Chapter 8

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Taehyung walked in the pouring ran back to the apartment

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Taehyung walked in the pouring ran back to the apartment.

Why could Yoongi possibly need time? Taehyung wants to give up his ways for him, right?

When he reached his floor, he noticed a figure standing at his door looking agitated.

Then he began to worry, because Jungkook was home alone and probably sleeping and a mysterious man was standing at their door.

He ran up to the man and pushed him back from the door.

"What do you think your doing standing at my door?" He said.

"What the- Taehyung? Is that you?" The man said.

Taehyung rose his eyebrow and stared at the man.

"It's me Hoseok. Remember how we always used to meet at the hospitals?" He reminded the younger.

"I don't know a Hoseok." He sternly responded, pulling out his keys to unlock the door.

"Are you kidding me?" Hoseok tried, "Taehyung, come on. You remember me."

"I don't, goodnight." He smiled at the man and shut the door with a sigh.

He out his keys down and rushed to the bedroom.

"What the actual fuck, Jungkook." He spoke.

Jungkook put down his book and pulled out his earplugs, noticing the older at the door frame.

"What are you talking about?"

"Hoseok. You brought Hoseok to our apartment? Are you fucking crazy?"

"Hoseok? Oh shit- I forgot I told him, did you let him in?" He asked with a smile.

"No. Why would I?" Jungkook's face dropped

"Get over it Taehyung. Me and him did long ago, so you should too." He patted the older's stomach and brushed his shoulder against his as he walked out the room.

"Wait- is he the one who sent you a letter in the mail? The one you tried to hide from me?" Taehyung pulled the younger back.

"Don't worry about, just please- he's not a bad guy. He was just a little gone that day." Jungkook explained.

"I don't care. I don't want him near you or in this apartment."

"He's staying with us for a week." Taehyung's mouth dropped.

"A fucking week?!" Taehyung gripped Jungkook's wrist.

"You must want him to beat you again." Taehyung raged.

Jungkook felt weak. He instantly pulled his arm out of Taehyung's and pushed him backwards.

"Get out." Taehyung didn't move.

"I said get out!"

"Fine, but when something happens don't expect me to come and rescue you this time." The older snapped and walked out the apartment slamming the door.

Jungkook crouched down head in his knees. He heard the door creak as he seen Hoseok poke his head through the crack.

"Can I come in?" Jungkook nodded.

Hoseok shut the door behind him softly and made his way over to the younger.

"You know I would never hurt you again, right?" Jungkook muttered a yes.

"It was a mistake. Me and Taehyung were a mistake as well. I don't know what went wrong between us three." Hoseok chuckled softly.

"When I gave him the dare to ask you out." Jungkook whispered.

"Oh yeah, right."

"Then you guys didn't last so me and you tried something...and that didn't work out either." Jungkook said.

"I regret everything that happened between us. I don't know what came over me, I didn't want to hurt you. After Taehyung took you away from me I constantly bashed myself to sleep. I couldn't bare with the fact that I was that close to killing you just with my fists and legs. I'm truly sorry Jeon Jungkook. I should be dead right now honestly."

"No, don't say that. You weren't in your right mind. It was the day of your sister's death. And we were only teens." Jungkook reassured.

"But I still can't forgive myself. That situation wasn't too long ago Jungkook." Hoseok said.

"I know, but I forgive you. I'm here and healthy right?" He asked looking up at Hoseok with a smile.

"He's never going to forgive me
for inviting you to stay for a week." Jungkook whined.

"I could just leave Jungkook."

"No! You came all the way from France to Korea. It would be such a waste if you left right away." Hoseok sighed and chuckled.

"I'll pull out the couch bed. The shower is down the hall and my room is that hall across from the kitchen." Jungkook explained pointing everywhere.

"Goodnight Hobi."

"Goodnight Kookie."

Taehyung texted Yoongi about not having anywhere to sleep because he and Jungkook had gotten into an argument.

Taehyung thought Yoongi wouldn't reply but he did right away when he said he didn't have anywhere to go.

So that's why he found himself standing at a gorgeous small beach house.

Yoongi came out the house with a house coat and a headband pushing his hair back.

"Welcome to Min Yoongi's house." The smaller said, gesturing the younger inside.

"Thank you again for letting me stay here for the night."

"Yeah, what happened with you two?" Taehyung sighed and took a seat on the nearest couch. Yoongi sitting next to him.

"This guy we both used to hang out with is staying at our apartment for a week, and I don't like him. So I lashed out on Jungkook, and he told me to get out."

"Is it Jungkook being dramatic or is there more to that?" Yoongi asked.

"Way more to it, but I don't feel comfortable saying it." Yoongi nodded understanding.

"Well my room is right there, sweet dreams Taehyung." He said walking into his room.

Taehyung closed his eyes on the couch, not being able to sleep right knowing that man was with his best friend.

931 words.
Our Hobi would never do that in real life so sorry if that triggered some of you :(

Hope you enjoyed this short chapter. Thank you so much for all the reads!

(meme later)

bye honeys🍯

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