Without Me 《3》

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"you know Timot-"


"you don't have to stay here so late just to help me..." Seokjin said folding the white sheets that were used as a design for the tables, Jungkook shook his head, "That guy might come back" He said earning a chuckle from Seokjin, "wow, my hero" Jin said sarcastically and piled up all the folded sheets in one place.

"you single?" Jungkook asks out of nowhere, Seokjin laughs, "If I say yes, what would you do?" He said smirking at Jungkook, "So you're saying you're single?!?" Jungkook's face lit up.

"No" Seokjin replied bluntly, Jungkook loosen his grip on the broom and look down in a rather disappointed kind of way, "I'm married" Seokjin added in which makes it even worse, Jungkook laugh nervously.

"Oh wow..." He said Seokjin was amused by how Jungkook's attitude to him was now different, "you look upset" Seokjin said taking the broom away from Jungkook, He shook his head "...I guess..." He said and landed his eyes on Seokjin's empty ring finger that didn't have any ring on it, "where's your ring?" He asks feeling the atmosphere having that tense feeling, Seokjin didn't utter a word.

"You should just lea-"

"babe...who is he?"

Seokjin swallowed the words he was about to say when Taehyung came in looking as sharp as ever and having that sinister look he is giving to Jungkook, "uh...this is-" Seokjin was cut off when Jungkook offered a handshake, "I'm Jeon Jungkook and I must say you have a beautiful lover" Jungkook said Taehyung was obviously jealous but he kept his cool, "you must be the new Jeon Empire's new C.E.O?" Taehyung said that made Seokjin look at Jungkook in disbelief.

"Yes and your Kim Taehyung, the owner of KIM Industry," He said, both stared at each other as if in war and Seokjin couldn't handle the heavy tension that was building up.

"And I'm a cook! so let's go! I am closing the restaurant!" Seokjin said quickly getting his bag from the table and the keys.

Soon the three left the restaurant and Taehyung open the door for Seokjin, "drop me in front of Hoseok's house...I need to borrow something from him" Seokjin said but before he could enter Jungkook grab his wrist, "I'll see you soon" Jungkook said before Taehyung slaps his hands away from Seokjin.

"Stay away from my Seokjin" Taehyung warned him and enter the driver's seat before driving away, Jungkook scowl feeling his anger building up, he hated how Taehyung was Seokjin's husband...it pisses him off, Jungkook sigh in frustration.

( At the car )

"I don't like him," Taehyung said that made Seokjin look at him, "He helped me clean the restaurant," Jin said somehow feeling guilty that his trying to defend him, Taehyung grip on the wheel and aggressively turn his direction as he parked the car at the side of the road. "He's the enemy of my company and I don't like him one-bit," Taehyung said Seokjin roll his eyes, "he may be your enemy but to me his not!" Seokjin spat earning a glare from Taehyung.

"Can you stop bitching around men!"

It wasn't a second when Taehyung regretted his words and in fact, it hurt Seokjin more on how Taehyung view him so low and it only made Seokjin grew angry, He opens the car door and before he could shut it close.


Seokjin didn't give Taehyung a chance to talk and walk away completely ignoring his callings, Taehyung yelled out in frustration and wanted to punch himself for being so stupid.

"Why do I blame you, when I'm the one who's bitching around..."

Without Me || taejinkookWhere stories live. Discover now