Without Me 《BOOK 2 : Six 》

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Seokjin could only cry...from the moment he step outisde of the airport and finally breath the air of his home country, it's been such a long time since he last saw the roads and the restaurants..."Wow..." Seokjin mumble thinking how much it change since some places were unfamiliar to him.

"I'm finally home...." Seokjin thought and check his surroundings until he spotted one hopeful sunshine and a unexpected waddling Yoongi.


Hoseok and Yoongi pounce on to him and the three fell on the ground not giving a care for the world or the people's stare, "I miss you guys...."Seokjin cried and so did Hoseok who hugged him tighter than ever.

They stayed like that for a minute not until the security guard asked them if their okay, the three stood up dusting themselves off but to Yoongi he didn't let go of Jin, Seokjin chuckle know how caring Yoongi is even though he seems cold.

"I can't believe your here...did that kid do anything bad to you hyung?!?" Hoseok exclaimed as he help Seokjin with his luggage, Seokjin shook his head "...I...I'll tell you some other time but...I want to see Taehyung...." Seokjin said both Hoseok and Yoongi froze on their spots, Seokjin look back "What's wrong?"He ask earning a shake from Hoseok, "i-i-it's nothing hyung..." Hoseok mumble, Yoongi nod, "...Taehyung might be busy...but I bet he'll be happy to see you" Yoongi said and somehow his words convinced Seokjin but that didn't stop him from noticing Hoseok's weird side glance.

Seokjin click his tongue.

"fucking tell the truth...now..."

Hoseok flinch and look at Yoongi earning a nod from him, He sigh and nod.

"you see...."


"How many of those do you want? hm?" Taehyung said nibbling on the woman's ear, she giggled and chosed 3 pairs of those expensive necklaces, "aw~ oppa your so sweet~" the woman said trying to get a kiss from Taehyung but the next thing she knew, her face was slam against the wall by a furious Seokjin.

"Go suck a donkey's dick you bitch" Seokjin said and threw her away earning gasps and screams from the people around them, Hoseok and Yoongi stare in shock to see what their Seokjin hyung has become, Taehyung almost stumble on his feet...and all the memories and feelings he had that he thought he threw all of them away was right there.

"y...your back..." Taehyung nervously said and wanted to hold Seokjin but he knew it was already too late for that, He can sense and see the obvious anger Seokjin had in him...he was not the caring and kind Seokjin anymore, Taehyung clench his fist.

"I'm sor-"

Taehyung was cut off when Seokjin lifted his fist and punch him right at the bridge of his nose, He fell down and held his bleeding nose.

"THREE FUCKING YEARS! I ENDURED IT FOR THREE FUCKING YEARS! I THOUGHT YOU WERE GOING TO WAIT FOR ME AND FIND ME! BUT YOU DIDN'T YOU SICK BASTARD!!!" Seokjin yelled on top of his lungs, His chest hurts as it tighten up more because of the images of the unbearable scene he saw before he push that woman away.

Taehyung look at him, "What can I do...y-y-you were gone...a-and...I didn't want to be lonely....and I thought that you were...dead" He said earning a gasp from Seokjin.

"I cried for you Taehyung....I even tried to escape numerous times just to see you...and now I did because thankfully that guy let me go...but I see now why he did that...your a fucking mess Taehyung....I don't see any of my love from you anymore...I deserve a better goodbye...." Seokjin said and walk away with Hoseok and Yoongi behind him.

Taehyung wanted to reach out to him and apologize for as many times as he could but he couldn't....he lost everything....


"J-jin h-hyung.."

"Hoseok...not now..."

Seokjin mumble and shut the door infront of him earning a bitter sigh coming from Hoseok, "He deserved to know...." Hoseok said and glance at Yoongi who nod, "I know...let's leave him first....he needs time to heal..." Yoongi said Hoseok sigh and both went down the stairs.

Meanwhile Seokjin sat on the corner and cried out his painful sufferings, "what did I do to deserve this....this stupid life of mine with no sign of any happiness..." Seokjin muttered and even though he keeps wiping his tears it just keeps falling and falling.

Seokjin thought of how unlucky he was, what did he even do to deserve all this miserable life...all he wanted was a love from a man who will love him till the end and will be loyal to the very end, He thought it would be Taehyung but no...nothing's going right for him....

"ya know hyung...it did feel like you were just a prize possession to him...like a trophy he won on a battle and just puts it on a case..." Yoongi said as he entered the room, Yoongi didn't care anymore...his Seokjin hyung needed a friend right now.

Seokjin got hurt to what he said but he somehow understood it, He chuckle, " a prize possession huh?...now that's nothing knew..." Seokjin mumble and stood up walking towards his bed and lie down.

"I just don't understand..."

Seokjin said his eyes went blur again due to the tears building up, Yoongi sigh.

"but this dude will" Yoongi said and stood up opening the door to see a well suited man and Seokjin knew who those footsteps belong to.

He gasp and sat up.



Yoongi took that as a cue for him to leave them for privacy, He shut the door close and saw Hoseok with a questionable look, He chuckle "His the prince charming so now lets leave..." Yoongi said and still Hoseok had no clue who is Jungkook.

Seokjin back away a litt when Jungkook took a step forward, He sigh. "I can tell by your tears that you knew...about his doings behind your back..." Jungkook said and sat down on the edge of the bed, Seokjin then quickly wipe his tears away. "oh yeah?...I don't care anymore...Taehyung was my reason! my everything!...and yet....he...he" Seokjin couldn't say anything anymore and just lower his head down.

"Taehyung was never a worthy man....even if his related to me in my mother's side....he was not worthy to be called my brother..." Jungkook said that left Seokjin speechless and shock, "....you guys are related...." Seokjin said and flinch when Jungkook look at him.

"I wouldn't say related...we're just step brothers...nothing else..." He said and Seokjin could sense the sadness the tone he used, He sigh and held Jungkook's hand that came out as a shock to him.

"Please tell me...I want to know more..."

Jungkook swallowed a lump of saliva and look away feeling his cheeks heating up, "you...know...I still do have feelings for you and if you do that...I might kiss you...." Jungkook shyly said Seokjin gasp and let go of his hand, "....right....I forgot..." Seokjin mumble.

"but I'll tell you about my past....so please....don't run away...."

Jungkook was serious and Seokjin knew that, all he could do was nod.

"I won't run away...."

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