Without Me 《BOOK 2 : Eleven》

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Jungkook couldn't believe to what he just heard from Seokjin it was unexpected, Seokjin gasp for air still glaring down at him but his gaze turn soft when Jungkook pulled him for a hug.

"believe it or not...I'm starting to like you already" Seokjin mumble burying his face at Jungkook's chest, "I can't believe it...." Jungkook thought squeezing Seokjin even more, "thank you Jin....*sniff*" Jungkook mumble when a tear made it's way down to his cheeks, Seokjin chuckle and kiss his cheeks wiping his tears away.

"you may look like a cold tough guy but your just a cry baby!"

Seokjin laugh, Jungkook pouted when Seokjin just called him a cry baby but he had to admit it, he likes to be called a baby.

Seokjin stood up and dusted himself off before helping Jungkook to get up, "sorry for punching you" Seokjin said caressing Jungkook's cheek to where Seokjin left a mark, He giggled. "Nah...it's fine I deserve that punch" Jungkook said earning a laugh from Seokjin.

"Let's go home?"

"yeah...let's go..."



Hoseok and Seokjin both gasp, "Yoongisshi that sounded so wrong....please change it" Hoseok said Yoongi gasp realizing to what he said, "FORGET WHAT I SAID!!! IMMA FIGHT YOUR KNEES!!" Yoongi said and stood up but he was push down by Hoseok's unexpected strenght, Seokjin sigh. "don't overreact...plus I'm sure...Jungkook is not like him..." Seokjin said glancing at Jungkook.

Yoongi watch as the two stared on to eachother and click his tongue, "Yeah hyung! I promise! plus me and Jin....are both married anyways..." Jungkook said kissing Seokjin's ring finger, Seokjin giggled and kissed his cheeks.

"I wish Yoongi...would be like that to me too...." Hoseok thought frowning at the thought of being a single potato for a life time and without even releazing that Yoongi noticed the sudden change of expression from Hoseok.

"I respect both of your relationship! Jin I am happy for you...I always wanted for you to be this happy...and you Jeon Jungkook! try not to hurt him or-"

"you'll fight my knees"

Yoongi glared at Jungkook and slam his hand against the table.


Jungkook roll his eyes, "I am glad...there are people who cares so much about Seokjin...like who doesn't in every angle his a true beauty! He has the heart of an angel...." Jungkook thought smiling at Jin.

Soon, after their conversation....it was time for them to sleep, Jungkook decided to stay over since he didn't want to go back home and let go of Jin since they are officially together.

Seokjin place two pillows in the bed as he hum the song which Jungkook sang to him during the car ride, Jungkook walk out the bathroom looking fresh as ever...Seokjin turn around and smile. "Your handsome" Seokjin exclaimed earning a chuckle from him, Jungkook grab Seokjin by his waist and boop his nose.

"and your a beauty..."

Jungkook said leading Seokjin at the bed, once they were settled, Jungkook pulled him even more closer. "Jin....what I said was true...I will love you forever and that's a promise" Jungkook said to Jin who chuckle, "there's a a really big difference when I'm with you and when I'm with Taehyung before...." Seokjin as he could already feel his eyes getting heavier, Jungkook raise  a brow.

"what was the difference?"

Seokjin giggled.

"his rough....*yawn* and your.....gentle"

Jungkook spread a smile when Seokjin said those words, he couldn't help but squeeze him into a tight hug.

"Thank you Jin...."

Hoseok stayed behind due to the sudden mess he made when he was cleaning, "*sigh*...." Hoseok sigh and pick up the pieces of the old broken mug, "Ow!" Hoseok gasp when his finger had a cut on it. "band-aid...band-aid" Hoseok mumble entering the living room as he search for a band-aid, luckily he found one in one of the drawers.

"Hoseok-ah are you okay?"

Hoseok was about to put on the band-aid but he got startled instead by Yoongi who appeared behind him, "Yo-Yoongi h-hyung! you scared me..." Hoseok said trying to catch his breath, Yoongi then notice Hoseok's small injury but to him it was as if his whole world were crushed to see Hoseok hurt.

Yoongi frown and grab him by the wrist and drag Hoseok inside his room, "h-his room?!?" Hoseok thought with a blush.

"sit" Yoongi said and as for Hoseok he was obedient enough to easily follow Yoongi and it even made him more happier because it was his first time entering Yoongi's room. "oh god...the room smells like him...I WANT TO SNIFF HIS PILLOW!!!! " Hoseok exploded in his thoughts but that soon was set aside when Yoongi came back with a new band-aid and iodine.

"Disinfect it first before putting on a band-aid idiot..." Yoongi mumble but Hoseok only chuckle seeing Yoongi's cute side, "Thanks hyung!!!" Hoseok squeel in happiness to see jis band-aid had a cute pony in it.

There was only silence between them but Hoseok didn't mind it since his used to Yoongi being quiet and introverted while him is the exact opposite of Yoongi, when Hoseok thought of that all he could do was look dowm and wanted to leave his room right away.

"yeah right...as If his going to like someone as annoying and talkative as me..."

Hoseok thought and stood up.

"I'm leaving now hyung...goodnight"

Hoseok said and was about to leave when Yoongi grab his wrist, Hoseok look back at Yoongi who had a deadpan face.

"Let's sleep...."

Yoongi said his voice was very demanding and Hoseok couldn't help it but to obey, "okay...okay...." Hoseok mumble and lay down beside Yoongi, both were facing each other but to Hoseok it was even more embarrassing that it was his first time sleeping on the same bed as Yoongi.

"Let's sleep"

Hoseok nod and was expecting for Yoongi to snore right away but he didn't, Yoongi got irritated as Hoseok didn't quite get it.

"It means! Let's date!"

Hoseok had his eyes wide open, his face was pure red in surprise.

"My heartue....."

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