Without Me 《11》

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2 weeks had passed since Taehyung took Seokjin to an amusement park and a romantic dinner and it's also been 2 weeks since Seokjin last contacted Jungkook, He tried so hard to call the younger but to no avail, he couldn't reach him.

It got him worried since Jungkook usually shows up whenever he's doing his job, Seokjin was still unsure on how to react to Taehyung's sudden change...it gave him lots of mixed emotions that he even asked Yoongi to watch him even more, like add more cameras! spy on him.

"Hey hyung! Does HopeWorld sounds good to you???" Hoseok said showing his own designed name for his cafe to Seokjin, He smiles and nods "it is Hobi-ah" He said giving him more materials to use and yet another short sigh escape his mouth in which Hoseok noticed it, "you've been sighing quite a lot lately...is something wrong?" Hoseok finally ask putting down his sketch pad and sat down beside Seokjin.

Seokjin bit the insides of his cheeks, "you remember Jungkook right?" He said facing Hoseok, "yeah, you did mention him a lot during our conversations? so what's the matter?" He said catching a glimpse of Seokjin's troubled face.

"Jungkook hasn't been contacting me lately...and...I'm worried!" Seokjin said his hands were shaking and he was on the verge of tears already but that soon stop when Hoseok stop his tears.

"look that guy might be just busy or maybe he's in another country! plus...Taehyung's there...you should be happy about his change..." Hoseok said patting his head, Seokjin smile from ear to ear and nod.

"Thanks, Hoseok!"


"and as you can see the ratings last year were only 80.5% and now it increased to 95.3%...and so...our new product was a success!" Jisoo said explaining everything to me, Taehyung nod in satisfaction "That's good! I like it! do you mind giving this to Mr. Oh" Taehyung said as he busies himself chatting with Seokjin who just sent him a picture of him and Hoseok together, Jisoo noticed it and could only chuckle silently.

"that's good news then..." Jisoo thought as she excused herself, Jisoo opens the door to be only greeted by one of Taehyung's one-night stand.

"GET OUT OF MY WAY!" She rudely pushed Jisoo aside and made her way towards Taehyung who was too focused on his phone.

"TAE~ YOU HAVE BEEN IGNORING MY CALLS??? LIKE WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU" She yelled slamming her hands that almost made Taehyung let go of his phone, He sighs and snap his fingers.

"I think the garbage collector forgot this one! Jisoo clean this mess!"

Taehyung demanded, Jisoo delightedly grab the girl's hair as she drags her out of Taehyung's office with a smile.

Taehyung was about to reply to Seokjin's text when he received an unknown caller, it annoyed him how he was disturbed to enjoy his chatting time with his wife when the caller kept calling him for the 5th time.

Taehyung was fed up with this unknown caller and decided to answer it out of irritation and anger.

Taehyung ;
》 Who the fuck are you?!?

Unknown ;
》Hahaha...are you angry?

Taehyung ;
》Of course I am angry! what on earth do you want from me!

Unknown ;
》 want?...hahaha...well let's put it simple on what I want...

Taehyung ;
》 What is it? If you want mone--

Unknown ;
》 I want is Kim Seokjin...

Taehyung had his eyes wide when he heard what the caller wanted and it sent shivers down to his spine when the caller sent him several death threats to his family but what caught his attention when a picture of Hoseok and Seokjin together laughing and smiling was sent to him, Taehyung's phone rang again with the same number that called him.

Unknown ;
》If you don't do as I say...I will kidnap your whole family and I might just you know...

Taehyung ;
》BASTARD! Don't even try!!!

Unknown ;
》What a disobedient dog you are...

Unknown ;
》if you don't want your precious family to get hurt...then you must do what I tell you...got that?...but if you're still against it...

Taehyung ;
》 what do you intend to do...

Unknown ;
》Oh~ I don't know~ maybe kidnap my Jinie~ make him moan while I fuck hi--

Taehyung ;

Taehyung stood up from his seat and threw his phone until it hit the wall causing it to break, Jisoo then slam the door open and was worried since he heard Taehyung's shoutings.

"President Kim! Are you alright!" Jisoo asks catching a glimpse of Taehyung's broken phone, Taehyung growl in anger as he glances at Jisoo with rage.

"Hire two bodyguards for Seokjin! Tell them! don't ever let Seokjin go out on his own" Taehyung said signaling Jisoo to leave.

As soon as the door was shut, Taehyung stares out the window, he was scared and worried at the same time that he was even more afraid of what was that unknown caller going to do.

"I...I should go home..." Taehyung mumble grabbing his things and left the office.


Seokjin was inside the kitchen preparing Taehyung's favorite meal and was kind of hoping that he will come back way more early, Seokjin places the food on the dinner table and two plates on opposite sides, and a bottle of wine with two glass of cups.

"Seokjin I am proud of you!"

Seokjin pats himself on the shoulder with a satisfied smile, he was about to change clothes when the door was open to see Taehyung upset.

Seokjin felt some kind of different vibe coming from Taehyung, "Honey...are you okay?" Seokjin said sitting beside him but Taehyung didn't answer and only rest his head against Seokjin's shoulder as he slips his hands to Seokjin's soft ones.


"Hm?...yes Taehyungie..."

"I love you Jin...don't leave me..."

Seokjin chuckles and kissed his forehead.

"I love you too..."

Without Me || taejinkookWhere stories live. Discover now