Without Me 《6》

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"did you guys fight?" I said entering the kitchen after I had my mental breakdown in the bathroom, I just hope they wouldn't notice my puffy eyes, Namjoon and Taehyung stayed silent I sigh "is no one going to answer me?" I said a bit more demanding now, Namjoon shook his head and stood up, "no, we didn't fight...anyways I need to go, I promise Jimin to take him to a pet shop" Namjoon said giving me one last hug and before he left, I notice that Namjoon kept glancing at Taehyung.

"Bye," I said and heard the front door shut, I glance at Taehyung but he wasn't there anymore. "TAEHYUNG-AH!" I yelled out his name when he came downstairs wearing different clothes, I gulp and look down "is he going to..." I thought trembling at the thought of it, "Tae...where are you going?" I said reaching out to grab his hand but he brushed it off, "it's none of your business" He said, his words triggered me the most that caused me to back away.


Taehyung took a step forward trying to hold my hand but I slap his hands away.

"j-just go..." I said as my voice was shaking I expected him to stay but he didn't he just left me, " for fuck sake Seokjin...." I cursed under my breath and drop to my knees, I was crying my heart feels so numb it hurts.


Seokjin wipe the remaining tears from his face and took a deep breath before letting out a sigh, feeling as if the pain was long gone...for now...Seokjin slaps himself mentally trying to regain his old self thinking of some ways to make him forget what happened.

"Let's just do something fun" Seokjin mumble and got out of the bathroom but before he could go upstairs his phone rang, Seokjin raised a brow, it was an unknown caller but Seokjin got curious and answered it.

Seokjin ;

Unknown ;
》Is this Kim Seokjin?

Seokjin ;
》Yes, but who are you?

Unknown ;

Seokjin ;
》I asked you a question!

Jungkook ;
》Demanding but hot and I'm Jeon Jungkook! Remember???

Seokjin ;
》Oh yes, I remember! why were you finding my number???

Jungkook ;

Seokjin ;
》 WHA-

Before Seokjin could respond the call was ended and it left Seokjin dumbfounded, "That guy..." Seokjin never felt so angry at someone before but at the same time it felt different, Jin puffs his cheeks and stomps his way back to his room, "FINE! HAN RIVER IT IS!" Jin yelled and it's as if his crying state was long forgotten.


"wow...he's so hot"

"I wonder what kind of shampoo he uses..."

Whispers and gossips were coming from a group of girls who were looking at the man name Jeon Jungkook with hearts in their eyes, Jungkook glances back at his wristwatch and lets out a sigh, "his late..." He mumbles and notices that one of the girls came towards him timidly. "uh...um..." the girl stuttered, even more, when Jungkook flashes a smile that could kill billions of girls all around the word and the girl felt attacked.

"my...my...names K-K-K-Karen and I was wondering...if-"Karen couldn't even finish her sentence when Jungkook walk past her as if she wasn't there, of course, she felt disturbed by it. Karen turns around to see Jungkook with an angel person beside him, he was glowing "who..is he...his beautiful" Karen thought-feeling her heart tighten just a bit.

"Why are you late!" Jungkook said with a pout Seokjin roll his eyes, "You never said what time I should be here" Seokjin said Jungkook was taken back and could only smile since he finally saw him again.

"E-e-excuse me..."

Seokjin turn around to see Karen whose face was bright as a tomato, "Yes?" Seokjin said spreading a smile, Karen timidly steps forward and gulps, "C-c-can I please have your phone number!!!" Karen said confidently, she was so sure Seokjin was going to say yes. Jungkook bit the insides of his cheeks and was about to answer her but Seokjin beat him to it.

"I'm sorry but I'm married," Seokjin said showing his ring, Karen felt her whole world fall, and the chance of her getting this man was officially gone, "I-it's fine...how about you-"Karen was cut off when Jungkook held hands with Seokjin who had his eyes wide open.

"I'm the husband," He said confidently even though it felt wrong to do so, Karen glared at them and stomp her way back to the others.

Seokjin slap his hand away and glared at Jungkook, "why did you lie..." He whispered, Jungkook scratch the back of his neck and shrug both of his shoulders, "I needed a help" He said with a grin. "and I owe you one for that" He said and winked at Seokjin that caused him to blush and look away, he somehow felt happy by just being with him.

Jungkook then put his hands on his waist and smile.

"Let's go!"

He said Seokjin giggled and nod walking beside him with a smile, he didn't need to put on his mask because the smile he was using is the real one, and the person who made him do that was Jeon Jungkook.

Without Me || taejinkookWhere stories live. Discover now