Sensory Overload

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Peter was having a crappy day; first, his alarm didn't go off, then when he got to school he was harassed by Flash aka the Dickhead of Midtown High, and finally, one of the teachers decided to play rock music really loud through the speakers of the school to celebrate the end of the school year. Yup, Peter could definitely sense a sensory overload coming up. 

The music was too loud. The lights too blinding. The voices around him were knocking against his skull. Peter couldn't take it anymore. He passed out on the ground. Only Ned noticed him. 


Tony was in his lab (no surprise) when FRIDAY told him that Peter was having a Sensory Overload. Tony dropped everything and quickly rushed to Peter's school, busting right through the windows and dropping out of his suit to see Peter curled up on the ground. Passed out. Ted rushed over and told him everything and Tony ordered FRIDAY to hack the school's system and she did just that. The music stopped and all eyes were on him. 

"Hey Pete, wake up." He said softly. 

"WHAT THE HELL IS TONY STARK DOING HERE?!" A dumbass kid yelled at the top of his lungs. Peter winced. 

I put my finger to my lips and motioned for everyone to be quiet. There was a lot of people muttering though, and I could see Peter's discomfort. I brought him outside and lay him on the grass. The principal rushed over. 

"Sorry Mr. Stark, is Peter bothering you? I'll get him away-" 

"No, I'm here for him. By the way, which shitty teacher decided to blast the music? It's a school, after all, can't a kid have a normal day?" I fumed. 

"Oh," the principal looked stunned, then she said, "I'll deal with the music problem. Sorry about that Mr. Stark." 

"You better be." 

At this time Peter was stirring. So I summoned my suit and carried him back to the Tower where he got a good rest and no one bothered him. 



When Peter got to school, everyone was staring at him. Then soon, they all came up and asked to be his friend. Peter just shook his head saying that 'if you didn't care before why would you care now? Because Tony came for me? That's not real friendship.' Peter had a good day after that but people were still bothering him. But anyways, he could get used to that; finally being popular.  

That was rushed, srry, hope u enjoyed. 

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