When Peter Meets the Avengers at an Awkward Time

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After Homecoming, Tony had called Peter to come to the Compound sometime and meet with him. He did and they talked for a while. It wasn't bad, considering Peter wasn't really mad at Tony for taking the suit and not trusting him with the bigger things.

Then a special group of people decided to drop in for a visit.

The Rogue Avengers arrived in the private part of the Compound to see a kid leaning casually on a wall, holding his phone and typing.

Steve was the first one to react.

"Son, what are you doing here?" He inquired.

"Nothing much, texting. What are you guys doing here? Mr Stark didn't tell me that you'd be here." Peter shot back.

"Tony's here?" Bucky asked.

"Yeah, and you get no right to speak with him considering all you have done." Peter glared at said man with the metal arm.

"You don't know what's happening here, kid. Stay out of this." Steve snapped.

Tony walked into the room at this precise moment.

"Hey Kiddo, I was wondering if you'd-." He was cut short by an arrow whizzing past his head. Courtesy of Clint.

Tony looked up in surprise to see all the Rogue Avengers standing there, weapons raised.

"Tony, we need to talk." Steve said coldly. Apparently they were still mad at him for the accords and really wanted to chew him out or better yet, hurt him again.

Tony looked stunned for a moment and then he shook himself out of his daze.

"What are you guys doing here?"

"Sit down." Natasha said, playing around with one of her knives. "You haven't helped us at all, Stark. You didn't care about the rest of the team, only yourself. Now you've brainwashed a kid to fight for you."

"I only fight for ten good of humanity, unlike you guys." Peter said coolly.

Everyone looked at him. Peter was still propped up against the wall and casually scrolling through FaceBook. He glanced up.

"What? You're just gonna stand there and stare?"

That snapped them out of their daze and the rogues turned to Tony.

"You, owe us an apology." Sam said harshly.

"For what?" Tony was really, really confused right now. What had just happened? He was supposed to be meeting up with Peter and not the rogues who had tried to kill him.

"For putting us in danger, Stark. For signing the Accords only because you wanted to. For fighting against us and betraying your teammates." Steve said calmly with a icy look in his eyes.

"But I-." Tony was in a hurry to explain everything when Peter interrupted.

"Pause there for a sec, Cap." He got off his phone and strolled towards the group gathered in the middle of the room.

"Did you actually not tell them what happened in Siberia?" Peter smirked, "seriously Rogers, I thought you were honest to your teammates."

"What in Siberia?" Clint asked.

Peter, being the smartass kid he is had hacked into multiple security cameras and followed Tony's footsteps during the Civil War.

"Wow, Cap'n. You are surely the most loyal and amazing friend I have ever seen in my life. You seriously left out a huge part of the fight between you and Mr Stark? And you didn't tell your team so they could be on your side when you come and try to get revenge on him for hurting Bucky? That asshole murderer?!"

At this point everyone was quiet. Tony was in shock and team Cap were all wondering what the heck happened in Siberia. Peter grinned lopsidedly.

"Oh, I forgot. I got videos from the security cameras in what actually happened. FRI, do me a favor and play them." Peter backed off and the videos started.


After the series of majorly disturbing events shown in the video everyone was glaring at Steve. He cowered a bit and slowly shrunk down in his seat.

"Wow. Never thought Captain America could be this scared." Peter took a deep breath, "I suggest that you all leave now. Before I get angry. Really angry." Peter snarled.

The rogues muttered goodbyes and quickly scurried out. Peter grinned for the first time that day.

"'Kay, they're all gone. Now what?" He asked Tony, who was still trying to figure out why Peter had stood up for him.

"Um, we talk I guess?" He answered.


So they sat down and actually spoke to each other about all the events of homecoming and the details of civil war. Soon, they both got tired and Peter was invited to stay the night. He declined politely saying that he had to get back to his aunts'.

Before he left, Tony thanked him for helping out with the rogues. Peter told him to call if they ever tried to step foot in the compound again.

That night was a happy one.

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