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"Are you ______ ?" - A deep manly raspy voice caught you by surprise - "I don't have much time..."

You looked up after he spoke, putting your phone away for a second...

You chose:

"Oh, I have one of those!" - You squealed in happiness and clapped at the bloody white coat he wore.


"Y-You... what?" - The dark haired god in front of you could not believe what you just told him.

Were his ears playing him? Were all the incredibly overwhelming hours of study finally getting to his head? Or was his 'date' just crazy?

His tired golden eyes widened for a second before going back to their neutral expression. Remembering the reason he was here, he couldn't afford to lose time and yet here he was... losing precious time. 

He kept on a blank stare and pulled you with him as you spoke.

"I said I have one of those coats. They're medical coats given to college students in the nearest Medical University! I'm glad ______ (bff's name) actually searched for someone more 'propper' for me this time!" - You spoke freely while ignoring the clear signs of danger before you - "Mine's all dirty too, don't worry I won't judge!"

The dark skinned man hummed, indicating he was listening despite looking around the shop in a careful but panicked way, and dragged you out of the store.

Your mouth couldn't contain your happiness and you spoke wonders and trash about your bff's horrifying previous attempts at helping your romantic life, but the strength he put on his grip was starting to hurt your arm...

"Hmm... You're hurting me." - Your soft whimpers caught the bloody doctor's attention.

His eyes scanned his big hand around your arm before letting go and turning a bit to the side so he could analise your bare skin better.

"I'm sorry I-"

"Is that a gun?!" - You gasped pointing at the object in his other more hidden hand.

"No, it's a dildo and I'm gonna shove it up your ass if you speak any louder!" - He suddenly got very irritated, he put a hand over your mouth and dragged you to an empty narrow street between buildings.

You were trembling with fear yet could not control your big mouth...


He did as he promissed, kinda. He tried shoving the gun inside your butt but your clothes wouldn't allow him to, so only his thick tip brushed against the fabric and stretched his way a bit at the entrance of your anus.

"Ahh!" - You moaned/yelped, hugging his torso and bitting on his shirt, just over his nipple, you didn't want to cause more trouble by making noise.

The man had to grit his teeth to supress a moan. Your actions were unpredictable, something he hated since being in control was his favourite thing in the world. But damn that felt good...

Without waisting time he immediately grinded his crotch area on yours and the heat rose. Soon the two of you were grinding on each other for no reason, the gun being put aside for safety, while using your hands to cup a feel or two of the other's body.

"Ahem... Ahem... Ahem! AHEM!!!" - Someone from a group of at least 20 people scratched their throat to catch your attention.

Answers to chose from:

1 - *Say nothing and act like nothing happenned*

2 - "H-Hi?!" *Push the stranger away*


4 - *continue to make out*

5 - "Care to join?"  *give a seductive smile*

6 - "Thanks, that was fun!"  *give 10 euros to Law and walk away*

7 - *continue to make out but moan the wrong name*

8 - *get beat read and faint from embarrassement*

9 - "Take a picture it lasts longer!"

10 - "What do you think you're doing taking advantage of me like that?!" *slap him hard and walk away with fake tears*

A/N: This one will be important, choose wisely ;)

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