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Note: You guys should've known by now no answer takes the route it sounds like it does x'D just saying...


"Law! I want ______"

You chose:



The words flew from your mouth with ease while your fragile heart beat rapidly against your chest, so much it almost hurt. 

The need for one another could be felt as the tension in the air rose significantly. Sitting sideways on his lap, you felt Law's hands capture you in a tight embrace, a desperate one. You felt how much he missed you, how much he regreted leaving you in the hands of the enemy, how much he wanted you back...

You winced, a slight pain in your tummy making you momentarily unconfortable.

"Are you ok?" - He asked worried.

"I'm fine, just sore." - You smiled gently while closing your eyes upon feeling his caring hands soothe the skin of your cheeks.

Law pulled you in for a not so heated kiss, wanting to taste more of you before letting his beast side out.

You loved the softness of his lips on yours, which earned a soft moan from your lips. Needless to say Law took this in a different way and immediately drew his hands towards your waist lifting it, until each of your legs were on different ends beside himself, and carefully placing it down.

This time you felt the whole packaging, and not just from downstairs, you also felt his deliciously defined six pack with your hands under water. You took your time to feel him and explore his chest, arms and a bit of the back as the kiss became heated...

"Law... I need you..." - You almost begged him, which obviously pleased his ego so he did as you asked.

He helped lifting you before letting go of you and slam himself upwards into you while you still descended. This action earned a much needed groan from both of you, although you still held back a hiss of disconfort.

A small pain persisted inside you but you didn't care for it, all you wanted was right there in front of you...

Once back from the blissful feeling Law continued on with a slow lazy pace with you unmoving. With each thrust he felt your nails dig into his shoulders from your tight hold on them, he also felt your walls constrict themselves more than usual but that only brought more arousal, and finally he saw your pained face, with an expression seen only when a hurtful feeling was involved.

"I feel... so tight..." - Your voice came out higher than before but the sentence itself pleased you both.

"I'll help you losen up baby." - Law sat himself up holding you in place by the thighs and sped up his pace barely just outside the water.

You cried actual tears, from joy and hurt, it felt like he was tacking you virginity again, that was all the proof you needed to know you'd never again go a day without his cock inside you ever again.

You held yourself by wrapping your arms around Law's neck and locking your feet together to tighten the grip on your legs around his waist as the rhythm progressed.

A few kisses were exchanged as Law kept going and your moans got louder each time and more and more tears rolled down your cheeks.

Fast forward many deep thrusts later Law finally ejaculated filling your insides and you both fell numb in the tub.

Back to your original position, you finished washing. Not too long after you were fully dressed and ready to go home...

A few days later:

"I-I'm so so sorry Law!..." - You cried into his arms inside his office.

"It's ok... you didn't know, we didn't know..." - Law conforted you caressing your hair and pulling you closer by the waist - "I should have, as a doctor, taken more care..."

In his lower hand, which held your waist, was a paper, or more specifically a recent diagnosis made on the two of you. It turned out from all the experiments Trebol did on your body he accomplished a new feat, he made you steril without any direct painfull signs that could alert you, but those weren't the worst news.

The bad news was from all the poisoning he did your uterus had started to die and eventually deteriorate, also with the filthy conditions he made you stay in your intestines became infected with a bacteria, which added with the rotting uterus caused the infection to spred further into your other organs... 

And into Law, who you had intercourse with before a medical exam.

The papers diagnosed you two with only a few weeks left to live...

"No, it's my fault. I knew the state I was in and I still chose-" - You broke out in a heavy cry, nearly sinking to the ground.

"It's not your fault! I wanted it just as much as you did!" - Law tried to convince you otherwise.

"You can still save yourself, please go! Save yourself!" - You begged him - "Even if I take my uterus and ovaries out the infection is already too big!... Please, live... for me..."

"I didn't give up on you before and I won't give up now! I'll stay with you until the very end." - He afirmed with a determined look.

"No, no, no-"

"Enough! It's my life, if I decide I want to spend the last of my days with you then so be it! I love you _____-ya..." - Law kissed you one last time before you broke out crying again.

Note: Bittersweet ending ;P Kinda like Romeo and Juliet, hope you guys liked it! Thank you for playing this dating simulator! See ya in my other books! :D

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