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You felt your legs tremble and start to give in, you were surprise you had yet to feel a cramp but didn't complaint, you just merely wished they'd hurry up...

You chose:

*Eye his crotch*


You eyed his crotch, a wild thought corrupting your mind... What if?...

A dirty grin grew on your face, your mind and heart for once agreeing on your next action. Maybe this could help with your escape, if not just for the fun... Your heart raced at the thought.

Placing the book and papers behind you, you slipped out of your pyjamas with much restrain and care not to hit the table and ruin your cover, and then placed the cloth over the book and papers in hopes of hidding them from Law's view.

Your tongue moisturized your lips as you pushed your hair back and out of the way, your knees placed themselves on each side of Law's legs and soon your hands did the same as you silently crawled your way out...

Law immediately noticed your presence when a shadow grew on his lap, the feeling of being watched caused his sixth sense to tingle yet somehow not so allarmingly as expected. You could feel him almost jump from surprise, his eyes growing in shock lookingdown at you, but quickly going back to their usual blank state while trying to remain in the same position fixed on his comrade.

Jean Bart however didn't catch this and kept on talking business related deals which Law responded with his calm deep voice, ignoring your fast attempts at undoing his belt.

You didn't want to give Law a chance to pull you away no matter how calm and collected he tried to remain, so you undid his belt and unzipped his jeans to reveal his black poxers.

Eyeing him one last time to make sure everything was in place, you saw him glance your way, his blank stare hidding the turbulent mix of emotions crossing through his mind. You dived in his brotch area pulling on the waist band of his boxers with your teeth on purpose, knowing he'd be watching...

Using your tongue to bring his growing member out, you licked him from bottom to top, earning a slight shudder followed by a pointy stare from Law, to which you responded with a small peck on the tip.

Law's eyes narrowed and he brought himself closer to you, straightening his posture with his elbows now on the table for support, which helped in hidding you.

As he kept on conversing with Jean Bart, who still was clueless to the whole situation, you went on making his life harder by fully taking him in your mouth and of course making his penis harder by sucking and caressing his length with your dancing tongue.

You'd have reached his base if not for his very long member, your hands came in to help with soft touches on the balls. You noticed Law's ass perk a bit, not too much since he had good control, but still noticeable enough for you to understand he was much more sensitive there than most guys.

Using your head to masturbate his cock, you kept slow paces, getting used to the feeling of having him in your mouth, all while playing carefully with the other two.

You felt a hand come up to the back of your hand and pull back on your hair forcefully, resting you on his tip. Your arms, safely rested on Law's thighs, felt his legs tense and you knew this was a bad sign for you. He was trying to stop you before he'd give in to the pleasure.

Shooing his hand away unsuccessfully you kissed your way down to his base ad around his crotch, to which you felt a slight pull on the back of your hand, but nothing too strong.

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