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As Bonney spoke, her arm came around your shoulders to pull you closer, she smirked down at your insecure form with a michevious hint in her eyes.

You chose:

*Become Hawkins' ally and try to convince Law into joining aswell*


"I'm sorry Bonney, but I came here hoping to keep previous allies and I've already lost one of them." - You gave her a sad smile as she withdrawed her arm from your shoulders.

She then sighed and returned your smile.

"Alright, I understand, and admire your loyalty and conviction. If you ever change your mind and decide to join us call me." - Bonney handed you a small card with her gang's name and number and left, but not before bidding her goodbyes.

You waved at her as she disappeared from your view and then turned towards Hawkins, who now drew new cards.

"Should we make this work we'll need at least one more ally. Do you have anyone in mind?" - He talked casually not sparing a glance from his cards.

"Actually, I do." - You smiled pausing on your sentence, which made Hawkins look at you funny.

From the shawdows a figure watched over you like a hawk, glaring it's way into your soul, imagining crushing your every done, make you scream in pain until your last breath...

Later that night, on top of a known hotel with a casino, famous between mafia members:

"Do you trust me?" - You asked the person on the other end of the line from your call.

"Y-Yes but-" - The trembling voice of your right hand man reached your ear.

"That's enough. Stay put. No matter what. I'll give new instructions soon." - You ended the call and looked down upon the mass of people staring up at you.

Police cars and firemen gathered to form a barrier to retain the spectators. The head of the police spoke on a loudspeaker, the usual inspiring script that was ment to make someone thing their actions over, but you paid him no mind.

You took a few steps back and concentrated to take out the noise...

"I'm ready. Come and get me, Trafalgar Law." - With one last deep breath you ran and jumped.

The next day:

"Leader _____! Are you ok?!" - Your right hand shouted in your ear.

"Y-Yes, yes. Don't shout, you'll make me deaf!" - You scolded him through the phone while sitting up

You heard him cry and thank god for keeping you alive. You couldn't help chuckle and promissed to call back for more information, but for now you had to stay low and so did they.

The door to the medical room where you were creaked open and you immediately pressed the red button to end the call and hid it under your pillow behind you as stood seated on the metal bed.

"Missed me already?" - You teased him despite his tense features.

"How could I not, my suicidal kitten?" - Law almost spit those words out as he walked towards you fast and steady - "You realize the scene you've caused don't you?"

You nodded and he continued.

"I'm not even gonna waist my breath explaining how dangerous that was and how lucky you were that I came-"

"That's what she said." - You interrupted with your stupid joke, which only angered him.

"You think this is a joke?! Because of you people now have begun questioning our relationship, your face is on the news, you're criminal with a known face, and for some reason everyone keeps pertering me about my tatics, like your dumb ass reclessness has anything to do with my plans! I-"

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