Game Start!

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Note: the chapter's will be in 2nd person perspective unless said otherwise.

A new day a new start!

You opened your tired eyes to a pitch dark room, your room, soreness starting to spread along your body enabling you from moving at all, not even turning on the light beside your bed.

Yesterday had been your last day of exams at your prestigious medical college, the worst day of all year long. The last days were always the worst, the pile of work to do was always the highest and the thickest, especially when you were studying medicine!

Now that you were officially on vacations you no longer needed to drag yourself out of bed in the early morning... except...

When a nosy best friend decided it was time to get you a boyfriend!

Your sleepy closing eyes shot wide open with the realization of almost losing a chance at not being alone anymore. You needed this, you needed someone beside you, for support, confort, sex...

Oh god the sex! How long had it been since you last saw a guy's dick without it being for troubling reasons in college textbooks when studying a new disease?

You shook those disturbing thoughts off your mind, painfully lifting yourself up.

Your clothes were ready from the day before, as usual. You got dressed and went to your kitchen to eat a quick breakfast before storming off to your date, not before getting some dark sunglasses that could protect your sensitive half vampire eyes

Not too long after, you reached your destination, a cafe well known to you and your best friend, convenient...

You walked inside expecting to see someone, or at least people... but the place was empty. It looked like all the coffee addicted students had decided to go with the original plan for the end of school and stay at home sleeping, which you would have done if not for your bff.

At least in this desert you'd be able to spot your date easily.

You sat down at some random table and took your phone out to pass the time. Minutes passed and you didn't feel anyone come in, having you engrossed deeper into your phone than predicted.

A few more minutes later someone came in, but you didn't hear the doorbell ring like usual every time someone came in or out...

A bigger shadow covered your own while soft fresh wind danced brushed against your skin.

"Are you ______ ?" - A deep manly raspy voice caught you by surprise - "I don't have much time..."

You looked up after he spoke, putting your phone away for a second...

Answers you can chose from:

1 - "Finally! What took you so loooon-" *words died seeing his hight*

2 - "Glad you're finally here! For you." * You hand him the coffee bill before walking out*

3 - "EeHh?! Why are you in a bloody doctor's coat?!" *Screams bloody murder*

4 - "Oh no, he's hot!" *Meme reaction*

5 - *Stare intensely at his goatee* "You have something... on your face..."

6 - "Nice." *You ate him with your eyes shamlessly*

7 - "Oh, I have one of those!" *You squeal in happiness and clap at the bloody white coat*

8 - *takes phone out* "Police?"

9 - "Holy fuck-I'd tap that."

10 - "Who died? LOL"

A/N: I'll try to always have 10 anwers, chose wisely ;)

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