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Last night I couldn't stop thinking about him, I even masturbated to him... Gosh I hope no one heard me! What should I do now?

You chose:

*Meet Kid's previous allies*


Right! I should tottally do that! It's about time I start taking my position seriously, so no more running away, no more fearing. C'mon ____, let's do this!

You slapped your own cheeks to keep yourself awake and aware of your surroundings. Quickly getting out of bed and dressing up, you made your way to the kitchen... kinda, you got lost a bit since you weren't used to the place yet but managed to find your way there.

"I'm thinking of stepping up and take the reins from now on." - You declared to your right hand man who sat down eating his breakfast beside you.

"That's good news! So where will you start?" - The gang, who listened in on your talk, gave you their thumbs up.

"Well, since I'm still processing all of the info in the office, I think it's best if I start with something small, like meeting my supposed allies." - Part of the gang spit their food at your words and the other half chocked on the food spit that flew into their mouths.

"That's not exactly small... but if you think you can do it we'll cover you." - Your right hand man nodded in acceptance to your decision and so did the rest.

"Great! Let's finish eating and head out then." - You hurried finishing your plate.

"Wait, _____! I must warn you though, gang alliances often are met with treason and pety revenge, so be careful when you're not with someone of your trust. That's rule number one for anyone in this field."

"Noted." - Despite looking like a silly airhead you still took his advice seriously.

At the agreed random venue meeting:

You were quite nervous to meet new people, even more important people such as your allies, who were leaders for a much longer time in this business than you... You just hoped nothing bad went down.

It didn't take long for the first group to appear leaded by a long blonde haired tall and stoic man in his 30's. He had strange tattoos for eyebrows, which strangely suited him well, and a cross type of tattoo on the base of his neck. Generally he was a handsome but strange man, nothing compared to your sexy god Law of course!

"That's Basil Hawkins." - Your right hand whispered in your ear - "He's the nice one."


"Greetings." - His thic manly voice sent shivers down your spine as you thought of allien movies you'd seen recently... - "I did not see the possibily of cold weather, would like for me to look at the cards again?"

He said it keeping his serious stare while taking out a deck of cards with special symbols in the back.

"W-What?" - You stood cofused and your right hand came to the rescue.

"He's into that fortune telling shit." - He whispered.


"N-No thanks, I'm fine, please don't worry." - You coughed awkwardly but before you could mutter a word a loud crushing noise and smoke at your right alerted everyone for danger.

"Hello peasants." - A dark skinned man with braces and a long and very bound ponytail in a magenta chinese dress posed for his grand entrance.

"That's the weird one." - Your right hand whispered.

"Now that the princess has arrived we can finally start." - Unconsciously your mouth let out a snarky remark, which you quickly covered with your hands.

"Look what we have here... A kitten wanting to be a lion." - The weirdo, who you presumed was Apoo, smirked your way.

"Your shoe isn't here. Go look somewhere else cinderella!" - Once more, you slapped your hands over your mouth, this time you feared being in deep trouble.

"Hmp! Is that all you can come up with? I still can't believe Kid lost his position to you." - Apoo spoke with certain disgust in his tone - "Women like you shouldn't be doing a man's job."

His sexist remarks did not please you or your gang, in fact they angered you. Hawknis, despite agreeing with your side, remained neutral do the 'fight'.

"We wouldn't have to if you did it right in the first place." - You shot right back.

"Tch! I didn't come here to be insulted. Whatever was left of our alliance with Kid went along with him. But don't think I've given up on my plans to take down Law and Kaido! See ya, suckers!" - He went the same way he came, jumping and disappearing in the air.

You turned towards Hawkins waiting for a reaction, but he seemed to busy playing cards...

"So..." - You didn't exactly know how to deal with the situation.

"If we form an alliance there's a 60% chance we'll meet new allies, 90% chance we'll keep the old ones, and 100% we'll meet both vengeful enemies and new powerful ones." - He spoke never taking his eyes off those cards - "But no matter how many times I try lower it, I can never erase the 100% on vengeful enemies..."

You didn't know what to say. Who could those enemies be? Kid was one for sure, but Hawkins said plural, so who else could be after you?

"Don't listen to him _____-chan!" - A feminine voice pushed you out of your own thoughts - "You should join me instead!"

Turning around you saw a pink haired girl in shorts, suspenders, hight boots, a funny green hat and a white shirt. She had pink hair and blue eyes that complimented well with her yellow moon shaped tattoo under her right eye and pink bright lipstick. She also held a piece of meat in one of her hands...?

 "She's Bonney, the gluton. Also a weirdo." - Your right arm stepped in.

"I've heard a lot about you girl." - Her pink lips formed a wide grin.

"Really?!" - You asked surprised.

"Rumors have been going around that you kicked Kid's ass. Girl, you're a legend!" - She laughed at her own words - "Do you have any idea of how many people dream of doing that to Kid?! He's one of the most annoying, self centred, pig headed, hated bastards in the world. I love your attitude girl, so you wanna join my girl's only alliance, sis?"

As Bonney spoke, her arm came around your shoulders to pull you closer, she smirked down at your insecure form with a michevious hint in her eyes.

Answers you came choose from:

1 - *Go after Apoo and beg to reconsider the offer*

2 - *Become Hawkins' ally and try to convince Law into joining aswell*

3 - *Agree on Bonney's offer to the girl's only alliance and meet the others*

A/N: There are only 3 options because these will be super important for your future as a gang leader and for you to find your lover :) Go with your guts, and good luck!

A/N: There are only 3 options because these will be super important for your future as a gang leader and for you to find your lover :) Go with your guts, and good luck!

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