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"I... I h-have something to tell you ____-ya, b-but p-p-please don't be mad..." - His insecure voice was a first...

You chose:



Despite feeling tired and sore from the intimate activities from before with your new lover, you did your best to stay awake and listen to what he had to say. Your heart started pounding as soon as he said those words, and you felt a little more awake than before, you felt fear and anxiety while waiting...

"The truth is... that woman, from before... Lami, s-she's actually my sister..." - Law avoided your empty stare that lasted for a good few seconds, processing his words.

"W-What?" - You rose yourself to a sitting position, still hardly believeing what you just heard to be true.

"I-I'm... sorry... I thought m-making you jealous would be-"

"-A good idea?!" - You interrupted him, clear of your emotions now, you felt very angry.

"_______-ya..." - He too sat up but you scooted further away in bed.

"Seriously Law?! We're not in ilementary school anymore!" - You glared daggers at the man beside you, who now behaved awkwardly like a teenage boy.

You saw his mouth open and shut a few times, he clearly had never been in such situatin where he'd be in the wrong and someone else in the right. And it was time to give him a lesson...

"You know what Law?" - You got up and stood before him naked - "Talk to me when you're done behaving like a teen and decide to be a man."

Quickly, you turned and looked for your clothes on the ground right where you left them. Law seemd more determined this time, he too got up and pulled on your arm, but you weren't having it...

"I'll sleep somewhere else today." - You said while throwing on your top and bra on yourself - "So don't bother whining."

"Where will you be going? W-W-Who said I was w-whining?!" - Law felt his cheeks burn in embarrassement and he refrained himself from stopping you due to your absurd argument.

"Somewhere, none of your business." - You didn't spare him a glace, putting on your panties and pants, you were ready to go.

"It is my business! Didn't you listen to me before? You are-"

"A free woman who will only sleep in the arms of a true gentleman, not a stubborn teenage boy." - You finished his sentence before heading for the door, but Law used himself as a wall to separate you from the exit.

You two had a small staring contest, none of the two muttering a word...

"What? Not gonna use your teen schemes to keep me here?" - You asked with your hands on your hips.

You could almost visibly see Law punching himself for his immaturity as he thought of a good come back...

"I'll be at __________ if you need me." - You walked around him and exited his room.

Answers you can chose from (fill in the blank^^^^):

1 - Lami's

2 - Hawkin's

3 - Bepo's

4 - Shachi and Penguin's

5 - Bonney's

6 - Apoo's

7 - Luffy's

A/N: sorry for the short chapter, I still have update one more so it's updated 'daily'. Choose wisely for your next mission: making Law jealous ;)

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