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I found myself not stopping and sucking on her delicious tits once more. Just one more, it won't hurt, just a tiny little bit more, j-just...more...

You chose:

*Install hidden cameras in the room*


(still in Law's pov)

No! I-must-stop! 

Gripping the sheets beside her I gritted my teeth in frustration feeling my hard member slowly soften... This had to be hardest thing I did in my life.

Panting, I sat myself up and stared down at the girl with a hungry look. It's a shame I wouldn't be able to fully enjoy the course meal presented in front of me, maybe a next time...

Carefully shifting my weight across the mattress I was able to get up from bed without waking her up. I threw a sheet over her exposed body and heard myself gulp. I needed to finish my business here fast otherwise I wouldn't be able to hold it much longer... I felt myself getting hard again at the thought, fuck my life!

I took a deep breath in before exhaling. Now to do what I was here for in the first place!

I looked around her room looking for good spots to hide my mini cameras. Once I found six good places that I knew ____ wouldn't get close to I installed them, careful not to make a sound and wake her up, then I kissed her forehead and left the building through her window.

It was a good thing that she hadn't had the time to improve security around her headquarters, otherwise I'd actually have to try to maneuver my way in. 

Kid used to say they didn't need security cameras because 'they could try but they'd never defeat these weapons' then kiss his biceps. Three days after incessant pranks on my gang's part he finally got them, but they were too dumb to use them properly and ended up being useless and shoot them for fun.

I wonder how _____ would react if she knew that I went in her room in the middle of the night, touched her very inappropriately and got cameras to spy on her... I smirked at the thought of her getting scared and giving in to me... both physical and mentally.

I bit lip hard, I couldn't think any more of her, if I did I'd get a boner for the third time tonight and I did not want to walk home like that!

My headquartes weren't very far from hers, but they were well hidden, while hers were very easy to see, even regular people could see it but they thought it was just some rich old guy's mansion falling apart.

Once I got back I immediately went to my computer to see if the cameras were working properly, and to my surprise I saw _____ awake, touching herself...

I couldn't contain the shiver that went down my spine watching her take her clothes off, sheets tangled at her feet. I got my forth boner right there.

In a hurry, I locked my door so I wouldn't be interrupted and sat comfortably in front of my computer with lube on my desk beside the screen along with some toilet paper. I unzipped my pants slowly, observing her first attempts of touching her breasts short of like I did before...

Feeling my cock pocking from my boxers I decided to let him free and spread some lube on my hand as she was still in the early stages of feeling herself top to bottom. When she got to her most intimate part she spread her legs wide, a bit shy but certain, and I wrapped my hand around my long throbbing penis.

Starting off slowly we both played with our tips, her's being her clit and mine the actual tip. I could see perfectly with my cameras, which granted me 6 different angles of this beauty, her wet entrance dirting everything around her, her external lips, her clip, her mattress... she made me harder than any girl.

Then we went down together to our base and began taking this a bit more seriously... She put two fingers inside her at once, this made me chuckle at her impatient behaviour, I couldn't wait to devour her, tease her, play with her... I stroked my member with a bit more pace than before and continued watching in silence as she began moaning softly.

She used her free hand to play with her nipples and I used mine to caress my balls. I laid my head back, still watching her, from the pleasure. I imagined her hands being mine and touching her, I had to pick up my pace as the scene got hotter.

With three fingers inside her she moaned louder, clearer, but not enough for anyone beside our rooms to hear. I leaked with precum after a few strokes and cursed myself for not lasting much longer.

As if hearing my prayers, _____ arched her back as she used the hand that used to play with her breasts to play with her anus. This sent me over the edge too, watching this girl play so freely with herself.

I had to stand up and use my two hands to hold my thrusts from bending over the desk and computer. The images were too hot, I could hear myself moaning and skin slapping like crazy... I must have looked completely mad...

Soon we both came, she tainted her mattress with her sticky juice while screaming my name and I my computer's screen while screaming her's. It was the best masturbation I had had in my life, unfortunately my computer payed the price, but unlike most days I didn't care for hygiene right now.

I fell backwords onto my chair, feeling my tired dick soften and rest against myself. I looked in the dirty computer screen and saw _____ tired, spread all over the bed.

One day, one day... I'll do her so hard her leg will stay spread for days before she can close them...

Back to reader/player's pov:

Last night I couldn't stop thinking about him, I even masturbated to him... Gosh I hope no one heard me! What should I do now?

Answers you can chose from:

1 - *Visit the Straw Hats' girls*

2 - *Look for Law*

3 - *Go on a walk to clear your thoughts

4 - *Start remodeling your gang's business structure*

5 - *Meet Kid's previous allies*

A/N: Sorry for the smaller number of choices but I'm running out of ideas on this one x'D

A/N: Sorry for the smaller number of choices but I'm running out of ideas on this one x'D

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