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Note: I guess that was too much mistery sauce xD anyway I chose the one I liked the most since there weren't enough comments, btw you got out of rape and being Delliger's punch bag but don't think this one will be any good too!


"Shut it, Caesar!" - The voice of the man in front of you somehow seemed to suddenly gain more power - "We'll proceed with the plan for now. I'll find her a suitable occupation later... fufufu."

You chose:

5 - ???


Everyone left while you stayed in that room alone, tied to a chair and blindfolded... 

The sound of a metal door got you to wake up again, you didn't remember falling asleep but you presumed you did, it had been too long since they left, not that you minded.

Your stomach growled and your mouth salivated upon the heavly smell of food lingering in the room, you had lost notion of time ever since stepping in here but your biological watch did not!

"Here's lunch little girl, enjoy!" - The unknown man laughed as the sound of a falling tray ecoed through the room

"I'm not... a little girl..." - You hissed to yourself.

"Hn? What was that? Speak up brat!" -  His odly clogged up voice resembled Kermit the frog and with eac word a sniff sound was disgustingly added.

"GO AWAY, YOU NASTY OLD FART!" - A burst of confidence surged within you.

"W-What did you just call me?! Y-Y-You slut!!" - His voice got more and more acute his stance appeard to be not so confident.

"And you're deaf too..." - You smirked, this man could be quite entertaining to mess with.

"H-H-How dare you! J-J-Just because you're young master's prisioner doesn't give you any special status, you must show us all respect. Adress me properly, show me respect!" - You heard his heavy steps accompanied by a 'clang' sound of a metal tube like surface hitting the ground before feeling a weirdly wet-sticky slap across your face.

"W-What the hell is that?!" - You referred to the spilled jelly on your uncovered knee, feet, neckand face.

"Trebol-sama..." - He spoke immobile.

"What?..." - You were confused.

"That's how you'll adress me from now on shitty girl." - He demanded.

"Your royal pain in the ass..." - You mocked and once again received a slap with a following disgusting splash of goop.

"Talk properly you whore, or I'll make you!" - He threatened.

"Without licking young manter's ass first, I doubt that." - You deadpanned.

"You-You'll see!" - You heard him groan in frustration before walking out and slamming the door.

Despite the pain in your cheek you felt yourself laugh, you had found entertainment during your stay as a hostage.

For the rest of the day no one came by, not even Trebol to get his revenge. You thought he'd totally chickened out, until the next morning...

Doflamingo came to visit alongside Trebol. Apparantely Trebol snitched you out to Doffy and begged him to put you under his care for the rest of your stay so he'd 'experiment' on you. Doffy accepted but only because you were already covered in the man's goop, even he thought it was disgusting... he just didn't have the balls to tell his 'family member'.

Finally they took your blindfold off, and after seeing he two you wished they didn't... Both men were old, ugly and unfashionable nightmares.

It didn't take lon for Doffy to leave you to Trebol, who yelled at his servants to take you to his lab, where you'd spend the next two weeks living, tied to a metal bed, getting pierced by multiple needles every day from sunrise to sunset, and during a couple of nocturn visits from Trebol.

In the time you spent there you never lost hope and counted the days, preventing insanity from taking you forever. Your body however didn't take it so well, being starved and having to do your necessities right there didn't help...

You hated each day more than the one before, you couldn't quite feel your skin anymore, not everywhere, a side effect from all the piercing and the oddly not too painfull experiements, and your senses became dull too.

There was no way you were escaping on your own, and neither did you. Only when a huge fight broke out upstairs did you understand, your friends came to rescue you... And Law...

You cried alone in the dark as the battle went on for what felt like ages. You prayed they won, that they'd take those monstersdown, you hoped he'd come to save you and take you back...

When the loud noises seized you began praying out loud, hearing the steps coming in closer and closer to your door hoping you'd see another face, his face...

"_______-ya..." - It was him, he looked releived, but also disgusted.

You avoided his stare, you knew how bad it looked. Your gaze fell on his wounded arm.

"Wait for me a little longer, I'll clean you in a bit." - Law ran around the room searching for tool and gathering them.

"B-But your arm!" - You saw as blood dripped from his badly stiched wound.

"I'll cover it so it doesn't get an infection. I need to hurry so you don't get one too." - He did as he said and covered his right arm injury quickly before putting on a mask and walking closer to you.

"T-Thank you!" - Happy tears finally broke from your eyes as reveaf washed off.

You couldn't believe it was finally over...

Law didn't respond, instead he focused on the task ahead. He unchaised you and carefully picked your anorexic body up, to which you contained a small scream of pain. He saw you holding yourself back and hurried into the nearest bathroom.

First he gave you a quick bath, using white gloves to protect his hands he scrubbed your filthy body, which you tried to hide in vain.

"Please let me do this part on my own." - You begged him, knowing how nasty it must be down there but he immediately refused.

Instead he turned you around and did his job as a professional doctor and a loving boyfriend, he took good care of you unti you were cleaned.

"Now I'll let you relax." - After rinsing the dirty from your body he drew a new bath, filling in the tub beside the booth.

Law helped you get in and confortable in the tub before throwing his coat to the side...

"W-What are you doing?!" - You asked embarrassed but unable to look away as your lover got undressed

"Getting ready for our bath." - He smirked as usual and you felt your cheeks flush red.

You nodded without a word and slipped to the front, giving him room to sit behind you so when he sat you'd be hugging.

"This feels nice." - He commented and snuggled closer to your neck.

"HmHmn... It feels so..." - Suddenly you felt something poke your back - "...alive..."

Like a chameleon you changed colors drastically while Law entertained himself kissing your exposed neck.

"Law! I want _______"

Answers you can choose from (fill in the blank):

1 - You

2 - To go home

3 - Food

4 - To pee

Note: The next chapter may be the last one so choose carefully ;)

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