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"Need me to cool you down?" - Law appeared suddenly crawling over your figure with a smirk on his face, bright yellow predatory eyes staring at you.

You chose:

*Remember you are naked and cover yourself*


You squeal and cover your sensitive parts, remembering you were sleeping naked under all those sheets after tossing them away during the hot night that prevented you from sleeping...

"D-D-Don't look!" - Your cheeks burned brighter than a traffic light.

"Huh? Why should I do that?" - Law gave you a sly perverted smirk as his hands slowly approached your shivering body.

"No! Stop!" - You yelled despite clearly knowing how much you desired his touch, hissteamy kisses and dirty talk...

"Do you really want me to?" - He whispered in your ear, his hands finally making contact with the skin on your chest.

Sensing your sensitivity when he whispered in your ear he blew some air into it before starting to lick all around it, short of like a cat, he left a few butterfly kisses here and there. His hands, on the opposite end, were not as gentle and teasing as his mouth, they squeezed your breasts, sometimes together other times separated while his fingers either circled your nipples or flicked them, pulling them a little.

His blunt attitude sent you over the edge and wanting more, but your shyness prevented you from asking, or rather, begging for more.

Instead you moaned freely, forgetting about the people in the nearer rooms, and eased his access to your neck and chest by turning your face to the opposite side and slightly arching your back.

Law seemed to enjoy his control over your body, so when he sensed your back arching he immediately went for the kill and spanked your ass with one hand, grabbing harder and pulling harshly on your tit with the other.

You groaned in both pain and pleasure. Without thinking, you left the most sacred part of your body unprotected and pulled Law closer by gripping on his spiky raven hair, while elevating the knee from the same leg whose butt cheek Law just spanked.

Instinctively Law gripped onto your ass cheek tight, pulling your almost open entrance closer to his hard member, and you threw your other leg over his waist, having him locked on you.

Law's kisses descended from your ear to your chest, beginning to suck on your nipples one at the time, while his hand previously in charge of cupping a feel of your breasts now followed the path of his twin but took a small turn and ended up feeling your wetness...

Law's pov:

I couldn't believe what I was doing... 

I wasn't the type of person to do this, or even close to it. Ever since I met this girl though I couldn't think straight. Her image appeared to be engraved on my mind, and if before I thought it would just go away, now it would be forever in my memory...

I felt my hard cock almost poking out from my boxers. 

"Fuck... I want to fuck you so badly..." - I whispered to the sleeping girl under me, who appeared to be having a very exciting dream...

My hands massaged the soft skin of her breasts as I grinded my crotch gently against her thin wet pyjama shorts.

I heard her moan not too loud. Thank god I found her sleeping, otherwise I might have straight up raped her from how horny she made me.

As soon as I stepped in, hopping to once more scare her and possibly make her leave Kid's old gang, I found myself unable to stop toying with her unconscious body... This was all her fault! If she didn't sleep in that tiny transparent summer pyjama I wouldn't be like this! I wouldn't feel the need to-

"Ahhh!" - She moaned louder and I looked down, seeing more of her juice drip on my pants.

"You're going to be the death of me." - I refused to admit any feeling beside lust towards her, this had to stop!

I found myself not stopping and sucking on her delicious tits once more. Just one more, it won't hurt, just a tiny little bit more, j-just...more... 

Note: You have succeeded in finding a special route! To make this even more special you'll receive some extra help on your decision, enjoy.

Answers you can choose from:

1 - *Masturbate her* (this will wake her up)

2 - *Masturbate to her* (this will not wake her up and Law won't be caught)

3 - *Install hidden cameras in the room* (this will allow you to prolong the special scene between Law and reader/player)

4 - *Take her underwear* (this will allow Law to perform blackmail on reader/player in the future)

5 - *Rape* (this will wake her up)

A/N: Quite the twist in the end ;) Hope you liked the special route!

A/N: Quite the twist in the end ;) Hope you liked the special route!

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