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"Your girls get more and more stupid each day, Doffy!"

You chose:

*Ask her more about what she's talking about*


"I don't understand... could you please tell me more about this... Doffy?" - Your voice came out unsafe and almost trembling.

You didn't want to poke the tiger... but you didn't know she was one for sure either...

Slowly and with an increasing dark aura surrounding her, Lami got up to her feet, pushing her chair back with the back of her knees, before rounding it to stand before you so she could take a good look at you.

"You have to be kidding me..." - She fumed like a cartoon through her nose and ears - "Y-You... You... I-I can't... GET OUT YOU ANNOYING BITCH!"

She launched herself at you with pure rage, fury clouding her thoughts and judgement. She put the weight of her body ove yours, making you fall backwards on the cold tiled floor of her room.

You, of course, screamed in both panick and surprise from her quick attack, and avoided at best her long like claw nails using your forearms for protection.

Lami appeared to be a thin classic elegant girl but truth was, just like her big bother, she too had some hidden strength in her not so buffy muscles. So upon receiving a few claws and punches from her, you wished you would be fighting an actual tiger than her!

You continued to scream for her to stop, not wanting to hurt the sister of your lover, no matter how bitchy she was acting, you knew family came first when it came to Law and you needed to calm her down... her unnatural fighting mood was also strange... she didn't look like the tye to simply physically fight ayone.

It didn't take long before the people in the nearest rooms to wake up to your screams. Heart pirate's gang members burst in to help, and thankfully took Lami off you before any deep damage was done.

You thanked them and walked outside fast, not caring to look back. Lami's rage had scared you bad and you needed some fresh air...

Going outside, you short of lost your way around the headquarters, but it didn't matter as long as you found yourself a way out! The walls appeared to shrink... as well as your throat. The air became hot and difficult to breathe in...

Just a few steps into the green icy grass outside you felt the ground as your best friend and the cold air's embrace help your heating body. Your knees fell to the ground as you prepared yourself to fall asleep completely, eyelids heavy and tired.

"_____-ya! ______-YA!"

The next day:

Feeling better and lighter than before, you opened your eyes to a fully white and sterilized room with a familiar raven haired man sleeping beside you bent over your bed, on a chair.

You smiled and used your fingers to caress his dark hair and scalp. Soon his soft groans filled the room and his tired eyes blinked open taking i the scene. Law blushed avoiding your stare, seeing and still feeling how you massaged his head and his lips let out unconscious moans...

A chuckle escaped your lips earning a quick glare from the pink tainted man.

"I don't like people taking advantage of me ____-ya." - He cleared his voice straighening his sore back, making sure you couldn't reach him anymore with your hand.

"Didn't sound like it." - You teased him with a grin plastered on your face.

"I'll teach you how it really sounds-" - He began crawling his way up to your now bright red face reacting to his sexy smirk when the door was suddenly slammed open by two crying men.

"_______-CHAN!" - Shachi and Penguin jumped on you, accidentally pushing Law aside to fall, while crying on your nearly exposed chest and telling you how worried and glad they were that you were fine.

You felt Law's golden eyes shine with anger, like a predator aiming it's preys.

"Thank you boys, but I'm fine now, really!" - You dismissed them quickly before anything bad happenned to them or Law decided to permanentely put them on his black list.

One they got out you opened your arms in Law's way and smiled calling him. He refused at first, feeling embarrassed of being treated like a child, but he gave in once you threatened to get the boys back.

So now you were cuddling, unwillingly on Law's part, but you knew he was just being stubborn and he wanted this as much as you did...

"Say ahhh!" - You tried feeding Law some pudding but he quickly trew it aside along with the rest of the pudding - "You meany!"

Law conforted your loss with some hot wet kisses that meted your brain as well stimulated you dowstairs...

"A-About what my s-sister did to you..." - You could see he didn't know where to start.

He tried apologising many times for his sister's behaviour but you always conforted him with kind words, saying it wasn't her fault and that you accidentally touched a sensitive subject.

"What did you and my sister stalk about?" - Law asked, he too didn't understand his sister's actions, feeling it wasn't in her nature to behave in such destructive way.

Answers you can choose from:

(Since I haven't updated as I should and left you guys hanging for a while, I'll help you giving hints on the answers like before, when you unlocked the special route!)

1 - Tell him everything (this will make your search impossible and will require taking higher risks)

2 - Don't say anything (this will make  your search difficult but not impossible)

3 - Lie (this will allow you to search freely, but there will be consequences to lying)

4 - Ask about Doffy (this... will pretty much fuck up everything xD but who doesn't like drama?)

5 - Diverge the subject to Lami's strange agressive behaviour (this will give you a 50% chance on both good and bad endings, it's a 'luck' choice)

A/N: Hey guys, I managed to borrow my aunt's pc so I could writte better since it wasn't working very well on my tablet :D

You guys have a tendency to choose troublesome routes x'D oh well, let's see what comes out of this one!

You guys have a tendency to choose troublesome routes x'D oh well, let's see what comes out of this one!

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