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"So, what do you want to start first?"

You chose:

*Forget the gang and go after Law on your own*


For once your heart and mind agreed on one thing, to leave this gang that was never yours in the first place and go after the man of your dreams.

You took a step back from the room, making your new gang members look at you in confusion.

"I'm sorry, but I can't stay. This is too much! I-I can't do this! I have to go, I'm sure you'll find someone more qualified for the job!" – You said as you walked a few steps back before turning and running for the exit.

You could hear them chasing after you, yelling for you to come back, but you never looked back.

You ran and ran until you realized you had been going on in circles.

"This dump is a maze!" – You groaned in despair and turned to a different hallway to try.

"Please wait ____-sama!"

You felt their footsteps coming in closer and went for a more risky rute... Your heart pounded as you looked down from a window, it was now or never...

"NO, don't do it!"

You looked back with a sad smile before balancing your weight into one of your legs over the window and jumping.

Luckily but also unfortunately, you fell on a near full dumpster with metal scraps from Kid's older failed experiments...

"Fuck, my leg!" – You cursed this world and the others from the pain.

Looking down you saw a long metal scrap had pierced your leg enough to appear on the other side. No wonder you were in so much pain!

You screamed as you moved, trying to get off that dumpster and pull the scrap out. You had to be fast, you knew they were still coming for you, but the pain slowed you down tremendously.

Finally, a few minutes after struggling to get out and on your feet, you were able to take a few steps into the forest that surrounded the hidden headquarters of your gang.

You tried your best to focus and keep moving but the blood kept leaving your body, making you dizzier by the minute. It didn't take long before you fainted, all alone in an unknown forest...

"W-Wha-" – You didn't have time to finish your sentence when a huge disturbing feeling on your throat made you cough loudly and painfully.

"Here, drink some of this water, it will help." – A child like voice rescued you by giving you that much needed cup of water.

"Thank you!" – You immediately replied handing back the cup to see who your saviour was.

"Your welcome!" – A small cute reindeer with a blue backpack and a funny pink hat greeted you.

"A TALKING RACOON!" – You screamed from the shock. Never in your life had you seen a talking animal, even less a racoon dressed in a doctor's coat!

"I'M NOT A RACOON!" – He yelled back.

"H-How is this possible?! Animals shouldn't be able to talk!" – You took your hands to grasp your hair but the matter flew out of your brain as soon as you remembered something – "M-My leg!"

You quickly uncovered your lower body from the white sheet and saw your bad leg all wrapped up.

"D-Did you do this?" – You asked the racoon doctor.

"Yes. My friends found you in the near forest and brought you here so I could treat you. If you feel pain or disconfort just tell me!" – His attitude went from sweet to mother-demanding-like, you found it funny and giggled – "OI, ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME?!"

"Yes, yes, doctor." – You smiled ignoring his angry mood – "Thank you, you really helped me back then."

You pecked his cheek and he went red and did a funny dance while cursing, weirdo...

"So, where am I?" – You asked wanting to talk of more importante matters.

"You are in Sunny headquarters, more specifically the medical wing, my wing." – He explained very professional.

"I want to thank your friends for finding and saving me." – You smiled and he jumped in happiness.

"I will cal them right away!" – As he opened the door and was about to leave he suddenly stoped – "Ah! There's someone who needs to talk to you first. I'll cal him first."

"Wait! Who is he?" – The racoon doctor never replied, he had run out the door and was too far away to hear anything now.

You waited a couple of minutes and tall slender figure walked in the room, shutting the door behind him.

Your mouth fell, agape, and slowly turned into a bright smile as he walked closer to you.

"La-" – You were cut short by his sudden rash movement.

He jumped on you, gripping on your wrists against the mattress, knees on your legs, clearly not caring for your pain, with a predatory look in his eyes.

"L-Law you're h-hurting-"

"Shut up! I already miscalculated thinking you weren't dumb enough to join Kid's side, but to walk onto enemy's borders... Could you be any more stupid?!" – He yelled, anger consuming his mind.

Tears slipped from your eyes, you couldn't believe what you were hearing, you didn't want to...

"And to think that I... with you... forget it!..." – His grip tightened as he lowered himself down, closer to your body.

Answers you can choose from:

1 - *argue with him*

2 - *tell him to get off, he's hurting you*

3 - *explain the reason's behind your actions*

4 - *kiss him*

5 - *fight him*

6 - *scream for help*

7 - *cry*

8 - *lie and make him jealous*

9 - *explain what went on after he left*

10 - *declare war on his gang*

A/N: Quite the painful rote you took :') I hope you can get a sweet one next time!

I want this body pillow so much x3  vvv

I want this body pillow so much x3  vvv

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