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Sadness, regret, loneliness and disappointment united ceating a new feeling exploding in your chest. Your eyes locked in Kid's face as your jaw released itself for the tight hold that prevented you from talking...

You chose:

Rage possessed you and lifted your arm to give a well deserved punch right in the middle of Kid's face!


The group behind you gasps, slowly watching your retreating hand reveal blood, blood that poured from Kid's broken nose.

"Y-Yo-You-YOU PUNCHED ME!" - Kid's high pitched voice surprised and nearly sent you over the edge while laughing.

His eyes became red and watery, lips trembling and sealed tight and two big hands came to hide the source of pain.

The scene was simply too hilarious to contain your laughter, and you weren't the only one not able to control yourself. The gang laughed alongside you, while Kid yelled and cursed at every single one of you.

Only one blond man, presumedly his right arm, was not happy about this. He ran to Kid's side to evaluate your work on his nose, and quick dragged Kid away from you and the group begging his best friend to treat his wound immediately instead of pointlessly arguing with you at the time.

Kid did as his friend asked him to, not without first treatenning you of course, and soon they left.

Once everyone was done having fun at Kid's expense you realised you were now surrounded by 19 strange men, all looking at you, observing your every move, but without any apparent evil or mean thoughts, as if waiting for something...

"W-What?" - You grew tired of the awkward silence and gathered courage to speak.

"Nothing." - One of them said but they kept looking at you with smiles on their faces.

"...Ughm... Then why are you all l-looking at me like t-that?" - Your voice flooded with insecurity.

"Oh, we're waiting!" - Another one said.

"I-I get that, but for what? And why do you have to keep looking at me like that if you're waiting... for whatever you're waiting?!" - You couldn't control your feelings, a mix of despair, anger and curiosity.

The group looked at each other with confusing looks until one of them reminded everyone that you were the new recruit, therefore must not have known the rules.

"It's very simple! Whoever is able to defeat the leader will become the new leader! That's a common rule in gangs." - He explained in a very friendly way and the others agreed to his words for support.

"W-What?!" - You exclaimed with your hands on your head - "I-I can't be a gang leader, I-I'm not even the new recruit-I'm just a regular college student!"

"Not anymore." - They shrugged their shoulders carelessly.

The rules applied to all, whether you were male, female, old, new, gay, hétero, in or out of the gang, so they didn't really care.

"So I can tell you to do whatever I want and you will do it?" - You asked, still not buying the whole 'leadership thing'.

"That's right!" - One of them said.

"Alright... but I don't know what to do. I don't even know what gang you are!" - You explained.

"It's ok, we'll help. Come on, let us show you our headquarters first!" - Another very hipped guy said.

"Yeah! We've been under Kid's wing for so long it'll be a piece of cake to teach you how to take over, plus it'll be good for us too."

"You're right. Kid could be very demanding and troubling to his own commrades, us. We finally get to have a vacation from him!"

"I don't think Kid will give up that easily from his title..." - You revealed your fear.

"We're here for you, whatever you need, whoever we need to get rid of!"

"Thanks guys!" - You smiled at their sweetness and they, being the pervy group they were, melted.

"I missed having a girl with us!" - Someone said.

Later on that same day:

After the boys showed you around their headquarters you were shocked at how unorganized, dirty, and destroyed the place actually was. If under other circumstances someone told you anyone lived there, you'd think it was a joke, you would not believe them for even a second!

You had to do something about this place...

"These are the most recent papers." - One of the boys showed you the scattered papers Kid left around in his 'office' that covered almost the entire room - "Believe me when I say this is small. Kid used to make us do most of his work so this is the 'clean version' of his office."

You gasped at the horrifying news.

"I'll never reach the end of it! We'll never the the ground of this room again!" - Your hopes were tossed out of the window.

"I'm not saying you have to finish everything now... start with smaller simple mounts and then you'll reach the big ones in no time. You can do it!" - He said.

"Thank you for your positivity..." - You cried.

"So, what do you want to start first?"

Answers you can choose from:

1 - *Clean up the headquarters nicely so it doesn't look like it was haunted or still living in WW2*

2 - *fire everyone and hire new people*

3 - *start reading the smaller amounts of paper*

4 - *start reading he bigger amounts of paper*

5 - *ask more about the gangs and general information you will need to run everything*

6 - *search for new and qualified members to help*

7 - *forget the gang and go after Law on your own*

8 - *Ask about your gang's connections (Law's and others')*

9 - *Fight Law's gang*

10 - *Party*

A/N: What an interesting and dangerous rote you took, I wonder what the future has in for you ;)

This is today's chapter, the last one despite being uploaded in the same day was just a bit late :P

(BTW if you guys are wondering, I'm actually constructing this as a real Dating Sim, the other options before you didn't chose lead to very different scenarious)

(BTW if you guys are wondering, I'm actually constructing this as a real Dating Sim, the other options before you didn't chose lead to very different scenarious)

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