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A/N: Hello, reader! Welcome to my very first Kid Icarus fanfic called "The Dove and the Raven". Just a few warnings before you read--this story involves a relationship between two males. If you don't like or support LGBT, don't read and therefore don't hate. This story also involves moderate swearing and minor violence. If you're able to handle all that, sit back and relax and enjoy the story!


The young angel watched the relieving sight before him. The god of the Underworld, Hades, had finally been defeated and peace could be restored to both the Earth and Skyworld; the living and r the dead and the souls wandering in limbo. An ecstatic yet exhausted smile slowly spread across his face. Despite the dirt, dried blood, bruises, and other injuries that remained on his skin and wings, he was excited and overjoyed as if none of his energy had been taken away from him.

He brightly grinned and held up his two fingers to form a peace sign.

"Victory!" the boy cried.

Distant noises started to fill his ears, gradually getting louder and louder. It sounded like cheering. He turned around and looked at the human village below him. All the people who lived there were chanting and happily cheering for the young hero.

He did it. He actually did it. He had just saved the world and every thriving being on it. What an accomplishment for such a young hero! Nobody was expecting him to be the savior.

"Listen to those cheers," he exclaimed, beaming brightly. "We did it! We saved every living thing! Everywhere!" He flew in a spiral in the sky and over the small town filled with happy humans. He looked down upon them, smiling and waving to them from above.

Viridi, the goddess of nature, unfortunately wasn't so thrilled of the victory herself. She had a burning passion of hate towards humans because she believed they were destroying her beautiful Earth and had only selfish desires. They were polluting the air, cutting down trees, demolishing small plants and even performing acts as simple as killing little spiders in their houses. One time the humans fought against each other because of a stupid Wish Seed, which was a myth and didn't even exist in the first place. She loathed them with a passion for these reasons.

She telepathically communicated to the angel boy and said, "Not to rain on your parade, but now we're back to the real problem."

"What's that?" the boy responded. His white wings glowed and sparkled a golden yellow as he flew freely with the Power of Flight.

"Humans!" Viridi cried. "You might live for this adoration, but I'm not fooled by those cheers at all." She huffed. "Sure, Palutena says that humans are closest to the gods," her voice grew angrier and angrier by the minute, "but she can be a real sap sometimes. Why do you care so much about them?"

The white winged boy replied kindly and gently, "Of all living beings, humans are the only ones with heart."

Viridi continued to argue with him. "Nu-uh! Not true. All living creatures have an essence that can be described as heart."

"But humans have faith and devotion," the boy still replied thoughtfully, managing not to raise his voice in return. "That's what I mean by heart. Only humans believe in gods. Only humans respect the gods."

"Okay, A, you're not a god," Viridi testified. "And B, are you saying that only believers deserve protection?"

Palutena, the goddess of light and the angel's caregiver, however thought differently than Viridi. This wasn't their time to argue. It was a time to relax in peace. "Let him enjoy his moment in the sun," she told Viridi kindly. "He saved everyone, not just humans."

The angel smiled at what Palutena had said as he flew past a rocky cliff. He soared over a sandy beach and gazed at the magnificent sunset, reflecting orange against the fluffy white clouds and the clear ocean. The fire colored reflection of the sun beamed against the cool blue colors of the ocean. The view was shiny and amazing like his angelic, enchanted wings.

Viridi sighed aloud. "Then what's the point of faith and devotion anyway?" She challenged Palutena. "Is it to butter up the gods to get greedy wishes granted?"

The young warrior laughed softly to himself at the quarrel going on between the goddesses. "That's one way of looking at it, I guess," he said.

Suddenly a second angel flew past him. He looked almost the same as the boy, with nearly the same wavy hair and long eyelashes. His only differences were that his hair was black and slightly more wild while the other's was brunette and more neatly kept, the other's wings were a dark green and his skin was more tan. His eyes glowed a daring ruby red while the lighter angel's sparkled a sapphire blue. The darker angel flew past the lighter and soared in front of him, his soot color wings glowing a subtke sky blue.

"Huh? Pittoo?" The lighter angel had wondered where the darker had come from, and so suddenly, too.

Viridi wanted the spotlight and for the angel to listen to her. When he was focusing on Pittoo she cried, "Hey!" She was trying to teach the airhead of an angel a lesson. "Pay attention! I'm talking at you! Palutena, haven't you learned anything?"

Palutena agreed with the goddess of nature. "It's true: humans are simple, selfish little creatures who are driven by greed," she stated. "Sounds a lot like us gods, wouldn't you say?"

The white winged angel laughed. "No way. Nobody could be as selfish as the gods." As he said this, the darker angel flew right at his side. Usually being the quieter, moodier type, he didn't say anything to the more cheerful angel but gave him a genuine smile for the first time in perhaps ever. It was subtle, but the lighter angel surely noticed it. He smiled back brightly at the darker as they continued flying side by side.

Viridi mocked the boy's laugh and said, defeated, "That's it, I'm done here. You guys have your happy ending." From there, neither goddess spoke another word.

The dark angel gained speed and flew ahead of the light angel. He looked back at the brunette as if he was telling him to follow him into the bright orange sunset, reaching out his arm for the other to hold his hand. The lighter smiled and took the darker's hand, flying at his side. The two flew into the bright, dazzling scene above the ocean and disappeared into the horizon.

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