Searing Flames

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"Oh, crap," was Pit's first thought when he woke up the next morning. He had forgotten his most used weapon, his precious Palutena Bow, in the hot spring last night after taking a soak with Dark Pit. Palutena was going to tear him apart when she knew he wasn't fully ready for duty! That bow was what got him successfully through missions every day. But Pit did have other weapons, so maybe it wasn't as big of a deal as he thought it was.

Perhaps he could use his First Blade instead? The weapon could get the job done, but in order to hit enemies with that particular weaponry, Pit would have to get right next to the enemy and he would be at high risk of getting attacked. Monsters like Monoeyes and Miks weren’t much of a worry to him, but what if he ran into a troop like a Reaper? Reapers were enemies that attacked hard if their prey were in their line of sight. What if he encountered any of them? He wouldn't stand a chance with a blade.

He could use his Insight Staff, but never was Pit good at aiming with a rifle, especially from a far distance. A staff wouldn’t be ideal to use.

Were there any Palms that Pit could use? He didn’t have many of his own, and he really didn't prefer Virdi's face to be tattooed on his arm, or at least not in public, with the Viridi Palm that the nature goddess gifted him herself. Besides, Palms used up life energy anyways, which would make him extremely sluggish after the mission.

"Maybe there isn't anything to be done today," Pit wondered to himself. His heart pounded in expectation and hope that Palutena had nothing for him to do today. Even so, she would eventually find out that Pit had lost his best weapon, so a lacking mission would’t do him a lot of good anyway.

A sudden inspired bulb lit up in Pit's brain. "Maybe I can borrow Pittoo's Silver Bow. Other than the color of the arrows, it can't be much different from mine, can it?" Then Pit recalled Dark Pit working for Viridi now, which meant he very likely lived in her domain which was guarded by her forest shrouded with what seemed to be an infinity of trees. Besides, her forest was a long flight. Not to mention, her palace and overall territory was protected by her "children", which was her title for merely a mob of Nutskis and Lurchthorns. That day he didn’t feel like putting up with more monsters than he already had to. To top everything off, Viridi was certain to question why Pit set foot on her domain and persistently attack him when he finally made it there. Who wanted to deal with a hotheaded goddess as herself? He didn't even stand a chance if he didn't have an effective weapon with him.

"Hopefully my bow is still at the hot spring." Pit just needed to find a way to sneak over there without Palutena seeing him leave her temple.

He wasn’t going to escape so easily. Suddenly, the all familiar scent of cooking eggs, toast and bacon kissed Pit's nose. Those smells associated with a bright and easygoing morning, and ever since he was a young angel he loved waking up to the armoas of breakfast food wafting through the air. Unconsciously, he drooled a bit from the smell of delicious food filling his nose. Pit loved to eat. Now he really couldn't leave.


After breakfast, Pit was no longer distracted and remembered his panic over being caught without his Palutena Bow. His heart sped up as he prayed and hoped that Palutena didn't have any tasks for him.

Luck just wasn't with Pit that day because, of course, she had something for him to do. Pit groaned internally.

"What do I need to do today, Lady Palutena?" Pit asked in his best determined voice possible, hiding the inner annoyance.

When Pit saw the grim expression on Palutena's face, he knew that this wasn't a regular task. This wasn't just flying to a nearby island to defeat a surplus of Underworld monsters or to rescue a fellow angel from an ambush. It certainly wasn't another childish fight between Palutena's army and the Forces of Nature. Something was terribly wrong. Pit gazed up at Palutena, focused on what news he was about to recieve.

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