Poison Ivy

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As soon as Pit, Dark Pit and Markus entered Palutena’s temple, the brunette angel locked his sky blue eyes with the sparkly, tropical blue eyes of Ivy as their faces narrowed in unison. Pittoo, Markus and the two goddesses all felt a wave of discomfort wash over them as the room altogether grew tense and silent. Pit and Ivy stared daggers into each other’s blue eyes, their grudge seeming endless after all these years. It was hopeless for these two.

A sneer spread on Ivy’s face as she crossed her arms. “Well, well,” she taunted. “If it ain’t Pit stain. How’s it been going being Palutena’s captain and not getting anything done? Having fun being coddled and babied constantly by Lady Palutena?”

“I have full faith in Lady Palutena, and she knows I work hard! And how about you? Are you having fun working your butt off constantly? Must be kind of tiring. I’m surprised you haven’t given in yet and joined Viridi’s stupid army.”

“Hey!” Viridi cried.

“Now, now, you two,” Palutena said gently, putting a hand on Ivy’s shoulder in attempt to calm. “Put a lid on it. I’ve called everybody over here because you four angels are going on a very important mission.”

“Why does Pit and his little palette swap have to come with?” Ivy scoffed.

“Because Pit is my captain and I have ordered him to go with. And he must obey me as a goddess. So should you, Ivy.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Ivy muttered, her head ducked and face flushed in shame. “Sorry, Lady Palutena.”

“Pit’s palette swap, as you so mockingly put it,” Viridi said, irritated at the lavender winged angel, “is named Dark Pit, or Pittoo. And he’s going with because he was created by the Aurum in their dimension, which is where you are going. He has the most information about the army and species.”

“Which doesn’t make sense seeing as he didn’t know anything when created and was sent--”

“We get it,” Pittoo interrupted.

“Please, sit down and let us explain everything,” Palutena said politely.


“So basically Pyrrhon is leading the Aurum and causing destruction in our dimension?” Ivy asked.

“Yes, and we don’t have nearly enough time to destroy all the portals since there are millions scattered throughout this and other dimensions,” Pittoo explained.

“That hot headed, overly confident ass,” Ivy hissed. “He was the one who started the village fire last month! I knew there was something fishy about him. What kind of god teams up with an angel and turns his back on them only to gain power that he doesn’t need?”
“And that’s exactly why you need to go to the Aurum dimension and stop Pyrrhon once and for all,” Palutena told her. “I’ve chosen my strongest soldiers in my army, and Viridi has chosen one of her strongest commanders to get the job done. I need all of you to train and gather as much information on the Aurum as you can. We’ll see if you’re all ready by next week.”
“I’m not allowed to go back to my house,” Markus said, but he seemed more happy about it than sad like before. “So this is going to be the adventure of a lifetime!”
“You’re very skilled with palms, so you should be a very powerful addition to the team,” Pit exclaimed. “And Pittoo knows all about the dimension, so he can tell us what to do and what not to do there.”
“What about me?” Ivy said with a smirk, teasing Pit. “Do you have anything nice to say about me, Pit stain?”
“You’re the brains of our team, Ivy. You have so many battle tactics stored in your brain, and you can come up with a strategy just like that.” Pit rolled his eyes and stuck his tongue out, proving to Ivy that he had the guts to favor her, after all.
“Alright, soldiers!” Palutena cheered. “Let’s get to it!”
“Let’s defeat those freakish creatures and take down Pyrrhon!” Viridi beamed, jumping to her feet.
As the other angels cheered, Pit stayed oddly silent, suddenly his stomach turning. He remembered Palutena saying something about gods’ powers being inactive in the Aurum’s dimension. Did this mean he wouldn’t be able to talk to her through his Laurel crown? How long would they even be there? What if Palutena was worried about Pit and wouldn’t be able to contact him? He would get so lonely and afraid without her. And what if the angels didn’t make it back to their own dimension alive? He would never see Palutena again. Overwhelming thoughts clouded Pit’s brain as he stayed silent while the others cheered and celebrated their future victory.

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