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Later that evening, after Pittoo decided to head home and deal with Viridi, Pit returned to Palutena’s temple as well but got a surprise visit.
Actually, it wasn’t too much of a surprise. The guest visited just about once or twice a week and always during the evening. It was one of Pit’s best friends named Markus, a fellow angel with white wings and wavy, sand blonde hair.
Pit knew to never get annoyed with Markus’s frequent visits, and he never did anyways, because he was aware that his friend didn’t just drop by to hang out or sleep over for fun. Back at Markus’s household in a small village on another island in Skyworld, he got harshly abused by his father. His mother had passed many years ago in a grueling war between the humans, the Underworld army and Palutena’s army. And ever since Markus was eleven, he often got beatings from his father because he believed the teen angel was physically weak and that he would never be able to fight their enemies like his mother did. While Markus was very strong and skilled with all types of weapons, especially mastering palms, his overall appearance was skinny and scrawny and tall, making him look like a string bean. His snow white wings were plump with feathers and fluffier than his father’s own wings, so this only added on to the list of things that made Markus weaker in his cruel dad’s eyes.

Another reason Markus’s father believed he was so wimpy was because he was so timid and high strung. Pit knew immediately when Markus shared this with him that the last part was his own father’s fault. When you physically or verbally abuse someone at any age, that takes away their security and messes with their mentality, so Markus was unstable because of his father’s own doings. He had no one to blame but himself.
His father also held a huge grudge on the goddess Palutena because he believed she did absolutely nothing to defend her army during the war even though she did everything she could. After the war he dumped Palutena’s army altogether. He completely blamed her for his wife’s death and Markus’s loss, but since when did he care about his son’s emotions anyways? The blame was for a more selfish reason, a reason meant for himself. Besides, it was never Palutena’s fault. She was extremely sorry and supported Markus’s family in any way she could, but his father only shrugged the act of kindness off, still putting the blame on the gracious goddess.
Markus, on the other hand, was extremely gracious and obedient towards Palutena, and devoted his life to helping her army. Unlike Pit, he did more gradual and progressive tasks like training the centurions and helping other angels learn to fight. This didn’t bother him at all--if it meant getting away from his house, the place he never could feel safe, he was up for the minor job he got. And he even enjoyed making other troops stronger. He loved seeing everybody improve on their fighting skills and it put a big smile on his face to see centurions and angels succeeding greatly.
Of course, since Markus was so loyal to Palutena, this only made his dad more outraged with him. He’s constantly telling Markus to dump the army and do something else with his life, but every time the young angel will refuse and then earn another punishment. But he never deserved any punishment he received. Not one.


Markus hurrily soared to Palutena’s temple, knowing the route by heart by now since he slept over there so often. He was overwhelmed with his dad’s shouting and beating and just needed to escape from his home life. Thanks to his skinny figure, he was nimble and quick and was almost always able to tumble out the door in a breeze.
The blue sky gradually melted into a reddish pink as the clouds bled orange through their nice, fluffy white shauls. Markus freely flew through the beautiful sky, not needing the Power of Flight from Palutena, his mint green eyes clouding with tears. The orange and red light reflected on the thick, bubbly tears stinging Markus’s eyes, but he was able to feel his inner sense of direction, knowing the route to the temple by heart.
When he finally made it there, he wasted no time to chat with centurions he passed by and hurried up to where Palutena and Pit dwelled. With a balled fist he slammed on the door, the goddess herself almost immediately recognizing the familiar, fear-driven knock and answering the door.
“Markus,” she gasped at the boy, a black bruise swelling his left eye and dry, rust colored blood caking his nose. “Please come in.” She held the door open for him as he rushed inside.
Pit looked up from his sketchbook to see what all the commotion was and saw Markus, leaning over with his hands on his knees and his back slouched, panting for air. He saw the black eye and the busted nose and the thick tears rolling down his dirty face. He saw the way the blood overlapped the yellow color of his chiton in scattered places and the way his sandal boots were sloppily buckled. It was obvious he was in a huge rush to get away from his unstable house.
“Hey, Mark,” Palutena said tenderly, but it earned a frightened jump from the bloodied angel anyways. “Where’s your Laurel crown?”
Markus began to blubber as he turned to face the goddess, falling to his knees and clapping his hands together in a begging fashion. “Please, forgive me Lady Palutena,” he bawled. “My dad took it from my head and broke it into pieces. He didn’t want me to talk to you anymore. I’m so, so sorry.” His head hung to face the floor. He was on his hands and knees. He looked pathetic and extremely apologetic, but the generous goddess understood completely.
“Oh, Markus,” she said, laughing a bit in a kind manner. She kneeled by the hurt angel and ran her fingers through white feathers. “It’s perfectly okay, dear. I can make you another one in a jiffy. It’s very easy!”
The blonde haired angel just continued to cry while pleading on his knees, overwhelmed and done with everything and just asking for some forgiveness.
“So that’s why I couldn’t communicate with you. Why didn’t you tell me this sooner?”
“I was afraid you’d be mad.” Markus’s lip quivered as he spoke. “I’m so sorry, Lady Palutena.”
“I would never be mad over something like that, dear.” Palutena reached over to sweep Markus’s bangs out of his face and kiss his forehead. “Laurel crowns can easily be replaced.”
“Don’t worry, Mark,” Pit joined in, attempting to calm the weeping Markus. “I’ve already busted through three Laurel crowns during my adventures, and two of the three broke for clumsy reasons!”
“Really?” Markus asked, turning his head back towards Pit. “How did they break?”
“The first one broke when I was eight. It was during my journey to the Underworld. I thought it would be okay to tuck it in my chiton while I took a rest, but when I woke up I was on my stomach, and the crown was snapped in two pieces below my chest.”
A smile broke free through Markus’s sad frown.
“The second one is really embarrassing. Another time I left it on the ground in my bedroom and stepped on it as I got outta bed. It was like stepping on one of those Lego things that human kids play with! It hurt!”
Markus began to giggle. There was no doubt that Pit could easily cheer up any damaged soul. Palutena smiled and winked at him, silently thanking him for brightening Markus’s day a bit.
The sandy haired angel sighed as his frown molded back onto his face. “Would it be okay if I bunked here tonight, Pit?” he asked timidly.
Pit grinned and nodded back at him. “Of course. This gives us a chance to stay up until midnight playing Mario Kart and reading comics. And if you want, I could sneak into the fridge and snatch that carrot cake Lady Palutena made for the bake sale so we can eat it ourselves!” This made Markus’s frown crack and break away as he began to happily chuckle.
“Not so fast,” Palutena sassed back. “An angel can dream. I wouldn’t let you boys stay up that late in a million years.”
“We were only kidding, Lady Palutena,” Pit giggled, patting Markus on the back. “I’m willing to obey you as my goddess and guardian!”
“Oh, and me, too,” Markus added.
“Great,” Palutena said with a sweet smile. “Markus, why don’t you get settled in Pit’s room? You two can catch up a bit. I’ll be out here making some supper.”
“Thank you, Lady Palutena. For everything.”

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