A Rainbow of Feathers

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WARNING: This chapter contains verbal and physical abuse between a parent and child. If this will trigger bad memories for you, do not read this.


“There it is, on that island over there.”

Pit and Dark Pit soared over to an island shrouded in fog and every acre covered with vast trees, the branches twisting and curving every which way. There weren't many houses on this floating island, and the ones settled there were concealed by wispy fog and thick tree branches.

“This place looks haunted,” Pittoo said with a slight shudder. “Markus really lives here?”

“What, you've never seen a foggy forest before?” Pit teased. “He never said anything about ghosts roaming his island before, so it's okay.” The angels dove downward in a spiral, landing gently on the grassy ground.

“Fuck,” Dark Pit growled. “I can't see shit with this fog.” He squinted his crimson eyes and put a hand above his eyelids as if searching for something, trying to gain vision, but it was no use.

“I know the way. Just follow me.” Pit held Pittoo’s hand, which caused the darker to blush as a result. Carefully, Pit took slow baby steps so he wouldn't trip on a log or a stone. Clumsy as he was, he would probably trip on a tiny pebble if it wasn't for him being exceptionally cautious this time. Pittoo mirrored the tiny steps, being sure not to join his sandal boot with a foreign object on the ground, either.

“Markus’s house,” Pit said when the angels approached a large building made of marble, decorated with towering, white marble pillars. In places the building looked cracked, some broken stone looking close to collapsing.

“It looks more like a ruined temple than a house,” Dark Pit stated. That’s when the two heard heard a grown man’s voice yelling at a cracked, adolescent scream. Pittoo’s eyes widened and wings jerked with concern and curiosity, but Pit’s expression stayed straight as he knew exactly what was happening right then and there.

“We need to get him out of there,” he said. He lead Pittoo up to the tall door, barging in without warning. The two saw an adult male angel with wings made of rainbow feathers, colors of all shades and hues. You could have mistaken him for a prideful peacock. And there, gripped in his brick-like fist, was the cream colored scarf that belonged to Markus, who was being held only by said scarf and wearing a terrified expression on his face. His face had already been beat up before Pit and Pittoo even arrived, bloodied and bruised with pink, swollen lumps. His Laurel crown was split into two and tossed on the ground, crippled and bent, which made him unable to talk to Palutena telepathically. Markus and the rainbow winged angel whipped their heads to see Pit and Pittoo in the threshold of the house, one of their faces painted with blistering rage, the other decorated with sheer horror. Pit kept a straight, unaffected face while Pittoo’s eyes started to widen.
The adult angel threw Markus to the ground and stomped over to the other angels, his every step booming within the walls of the marble structure.

“Well, well, well,” he boomed, his voice low and husky. “If it isn’t little Pit. And who might this fella be?”

Fear stretched across Pittoo’s face at the towering man, and he was quietly shaking in his sandals. Pit, on the other hand, wasn’t one bit afraid. He looked right back at the older angel, his face black with anger and determination to save Markus.

“His name is Pittoo,” Pit said, his voice low and dark.

“He looks exactly like you, but demented,” the colorful angel replied, and chuckled to himself. “Whatever! If you're here to save this little disgrace, then you have another thing coming!”

“Markus,” Pit yelled. “Get out of here, now!” But all the blonde boy could do was stand in one place in terror, watching as Pit and his father settled their showdown. His knees began to shake and his wings shudder as his lips turned pale along with his face. He seemed to be paralyzed from fear.

“I’ll grab him,” Pittoo said quickly. “You take care of this bozo, and once his guard is down, follow us outside.” He rushed over to the immobilized Markus and swung his tense body over his shoulder, evaporating out of the building within a few seconds. He jerked his head back at the marble structure to see Pit forcefully ram his brunette head into Markus’s father’s ribcage. As that beautifully shaped head collided with the ugly gut of a scum, Pittoo tightly shut his eyes and cringed at the sight. He gently set Markus down and checked to see if he was alright.
“How are you holding up?” he asked, his breathing heavy from running so fast.
“I’m okay,” Markus whimpered softly. “Thank you, Pittoo. Pit has told me a lot about you.”
“I’m sure the idiot has.” He smirked.
Suddenly, they heard a very loud and rumbly scream from the marble house, but it wasn’t young and adolescent like they expected it to end up. It was the scream of a man, and Pittoo decided to himself that Pit had won. He strutted out of the building with a few gashes and bruises, and behind him was Markus’s father, clutching his ribcage and stomach with large hands. He was cursing and insulting either Markus or Pit under his breath. You couldn’t tell under the harshness of his voice.
“Now let’s get out of here,” Pit said with a smile, despite his wounds. But then again, he has had many more injuries before worse than simple bruises.
“You fucking little bitch!” Markus’s dad screamed at Pit. “That little worthless angel deserves punishment for the little strength he has. He’ll never be able to fight like any other angel, and for that he deserves every punishment I give him! That little worthless bitch.” His rage filled eyes darted over at the trembling blonde. “And as for you, you pathetic excuse for a soldier to a pathetic goddess,” he rebuked. “You’re never allowed to come back to this household. I hope you wind up dead!” With that, he weakly got up from his knees and slammed the door behind Pit.
“Damn,” Pittoo sighed, completely shocked and disgusted. Both his and Pit’s eyes hesitantly shifted over to Markus, who was curled up against a pine tree, sobbing into his knees.
Pit sighed sadly, watching the blonde angel weep as he walked over to the tree and kneeled next to him.
“I guess you’re going to be my big brother for a while,” he said kindly and gently. This caused Markus to look up at Pit with teary, mint eyes, full of confusion.
“Pit, I couldn’t,” he said, his voice thick and raspy from his tears. “I can’t stay there with you. I’ll just mess everything up.”
“That’s nonsense. Just look at how you’ve been helping the centurions! And if you live in the temple, you’ll have no problem getting to your duties because nothing will be in your way.” Pit placed a hand on Markus’s shoulder and gave him a warm smile. “We need you, Markus. You mean so much to me and the army altogether.”
“I hate to break up the moment,” Pittoo interrupted, his voice impatient. “But we need to get to why we’re actually here. You know, our main target? Our main focus? We didn’t come here to socialize and trade phone numbers. The Aurum is an immediate danger to Skyworld, the Heavens and the Earth, so get to the point already, Pit!”
“That’s right,” Pit gasped. “Hey, we all need to talk to you back at the temple. Let’s get there as quick as we can!”
“Anything to get me away from here.”

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