Can You Walk Okay?

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A/N: Yo sorry for the long wait. I know I said I'd start posting every week again but due to covid-19 I lost access to Google docs and wattpad for a solid amount of time, so I couldn't write the 2nd part or post the chapters to this 1st part of the story. But I'm back and, look at that, this book is nearly finished! :)


Pittoo sidestepped along the craggy path, closely eyeing the Reaper from behind his dark bangs, ready to attack if needed. So far the Reaper was simply pacing left and right, looking for prey and seemingly guarding something that was nonexistent. Its scythe, sharp and pointed with a curved blade stained with dried blood, was gripped tightly in its steel blue talons. Its bright yellow eyes glimmered menacingly, staring distantly out into the fiery red horizon of the Netherworld.

Once Pittoo advanced past the Reaper, its back now facing him, he hurriedly pulled Pit out of his teal wings and cradled him securely in his arms, sprinting down the path and getting away from there as quickly as possible. The lighter angel’s cheeks burned a soft red color as he felt himself being carried by strong, lean arms.

The Reaper perked up upon hearing the sharp sound of boots on stone and reversed, spotting the raven haired angel holding the brunette straight away. Piercing yellow eyes stabbed horrified crimson eyes like knives. The dastardly monster began to sing its all familiar death chant as it waved its scythe around insanely and sped up closer to Pittoo.

“That bastard is faster than me,” Pittoo growled under his heavy breath. “Hang on tight, baby. I'm about to move this freakshow into the air!"

Pit loosely wrapped his arms around Pittoo’s neck and tightly closed his eyes, head leaning on the darker’s collarbone, wavy hair meeting a silk scarf. Desperately he hoped that they would make it out of there okay, with neither one of them getting hurt.

Dark Pit flapped his ebony wings and gained height. He quickly thrusted himself into the air, highly exerting his wings to flap at full speed. He soared through the air at a great speed, his and Pit’s wavy hair blowly wildly in the strong wind.

A muscle pulled in Pittoo’s right wing structure, causing him to cry out in pain and his wings to lose their perfect flap. He tumbled to the ground, his body rolling and knocking around midair. He could barely hold on to Pit in his arms as his limbs relentlessly flailed around from the drop at such a great height. Pit slipped out of his lover’s arms as they couldn’t keep their grasp on his body, and soon he was tumbling as well.

Pittoo’s body loosened and expression relaxed as he surrendered fighting the fall, knowing soon that both him and Pit would make impact and very likely die from colliding with the hard surface of the uneven stone path. At least once he was dead, his wing muscle would quit hurting. The pain was unbearable and seemed to make his whole body ache. Pit, on the other hand, was still screaming and fighting the air as he looked below at the ground inching closer and closer.
“Oh, crap, wait. I can fly! It isn’t nighttime yet, and my flight was enhanced! Geez, Pit, get your act together. I guess that the last four times I’ve been to the Underworld I wasn’t able to fly, so maybe I’m just not used to being able to in this area. And maybe I should stop talking because the reader is probably waiting to see what happens next!”
“. . .I shouldn’t have said that.”
Pit had no time to waste. The stone ground was within a few feet now, and the angels were falling fast. He quickly extended his wings and veered over to Pittoo, his arms outstretched. He luckily landed safely in the lighter’s arms, and with surprise at this he opened his eyes to see Pit smiling right back at him.
“I almost forgot I could fly!” Pit giggled.
“You idiot,” Pittoo seethed. “We almost died. How couldn’t you remember that you could fly?” But when he saw Pit’s cute smile and heard his wonderful laugh, he couldn’t help but push away the anger and utter a small laugh as well.
“What happened back there? You were flying just fine and soon we’re tumbling.”
“I must’ve exerted myself too far, ‘cause I think I pulled a muscle in one of my wings. Whatever. It’s not a big deal now because the Reaper doesn’t seem to be anywhere nearby.”
“And just in the nick of time! There’s the cave!” Pit landed firmly in front of the cool, grey stone cave. The cavern was tall and the entrance was mighty and loomed down on Pit and Pittoo. It was pitch black inside of the cave. There was absolutely no light to be seen. The only thing lighting the entrance was the natural (was it really natural? It was the Underworld being talked about), red light from the outdoors.
“Aw, man!” Pit bellowed. “We can’t see anything in there.”
“Relax,” Pittoo said, nonchalantly. “A good warrior always brings more than one weapon with them. Look what I’ve got.” He reached his arms behind him and tangled his fingers in jagged, teal wings. A pained hiss escaped between his lips as he must have touched where his wing was injured, but he managed to endure it as he pulled out a small container of orange ink, used to equip the Burning Palm, from his wings.
“That’s awesome, Pittoo! You’re always thinking!”
“And you never are.” Pittoo smirked teasingly and kissed Pit’s nose sweetly.
“Can you walk okay?”
“It’s just my left wing that’s affected, so I’m pretty sure I’ll be fine.” He applied the inky, orange tattoo into the palm of his hand with the correct marking for the burning palm. Three diagonal lines side by side of each other and another diagonal line facing the opposite direction crossing over the other streaks. Accepting the markings, Pittoo’s arm changed from his natural tan to a burning red with a jagged, yellow streaked tattoo pattern from his hand all the way to his shoulder. A large, flickering orange flame roared as it covered his now red arm, and that caused the cave to light up all around them like a lantern.
“Perfect,” Pit chirped. He gently stood Pittoo on his feet on the cold, rocky ground and kept his hands on his bony shoulders in case he stumbled or teetered from his wing pain. “I’m ready to catch you if you need it.” Pit set his mindset to Palutena so he could speak to her telepathically. “Lady Palutena, where do we need to go from here?”
Palutena instantly responded and used her own mighty Laurel crown to sense Pit’s surroundings. She saw in the dormant volcano that there were two entrances and knew exactly which one lead to Pandora. The pathways were fully dark and pitch black, crowded with dangerous lurking Underworld troops, but the Mirror of Truth shone with a bright light in the cavern where Pandora was currently. Palutena knew without a doubt that Pit and Pittoo would have no trouble seeing during their battle, and this put her mind at ease.
“Take the entrance to the left of you,” the goddess instructed. Pittoo was able to walk without struggle as he dashed to the door, which Pit didn’t expect at all and was left behind.
“Pittoo,” he shouted behind. “Wait up!”
“I’m not waitin’ for your slow ass, Pitty,” Pittoo laughed. “Pick up the pace!”

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