Flustered Rosebud

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Pit was still a little upset that he had made Dark Pit so angry with him. It frustrated him even more that he didn’t even know how he messed up.

Over breakfast the next morning, Palutena noticed that her usually cheerful warrior had seemed miffed today. What happened? Maybe it should be left alone until he decided to speak. But she hated to see the bright eyed boy so annoyed with whatever happened. She decided to ask.

“You seem a little upset, Pit,” Palutena said calmly, trying to avoid tempers to flare. Though Pit has never gotten angry at Palutena, she wanted to keep him on a good note. “You’ve hardly touched your food. That’s weird for you. Wanna talk to me about anything?”

Pit sighed, knowing at some point he would have to tell Palutena what was wrong. Why not now? He trusted her with all his heart, after all. “Please don’t be mad, Lady Palutena,” he said. “I kind of made Pittoo really upset with me yesterday.”

Palutena blinked. “Why would that be such a big deal? You two fight all the time.”

She was right. She was always a step ahead of everyone. Since when did making Dark Pit upset affect Pit so much? Sure, he never liked to get on his bad side. Nobody liked being on Dark Pit’s list of people to kill next. But it was bringing Pit down so much that he wouldn’t eat breakfast properly, and everyone knew he loved to eat. Behind hot springs, food was practically his favorite thing in the world. What was the big deal, anyway?
He was never really close with Dark Pit, though he always attempted to become closer as friends. Maybe that’s why it bothered him so much.

They weren’t really considered brothers, not emotionally close enough to be, but fighting was a brotherly thing to do, right? And brothers never like to fight. Could that be why Pit was so upset?

“I’m not really sure, Lady Palutena.” Pit sighed. “I just hope maybe today I can make up with him.”

“You’ve never cared this deeply about Pittoo,” Palutena questioned. “It was obvious that you had to save him when the Chaos Kin dragged him, but I never thought you cared about him emotionally like this.”

“Me neither.”

“Could it be that maybe you like Pittoo?” Palutena said in a vaguely teasing tone. But Pit immediately felt his face burn up. He glared at the green haired goddess.

“That’s stupid, Lady Palutena!” he cried, flustered and embarrassed. If only he could see his face right then--it was red as a tomato and burned hotter than the spreading flames from yesterday’s mission. “I don’t like Pittoo. He’s so rude and annoying. And all he likes to do is fight people. And he’s also a boy.”

“There’s nothing wrong with that. But I agree with his destructive behavior. Plus, he’s an officer of the enemy. That would be silly.” Palutena smirked. “If it turns out you like him, you’re never going to hear the end of it from me. I’ll make sure of it."

Palutena had always been a mother figure to Pit ever since he was little. She always took good care of him. She always tended to him when he was sick. She made sure he was happy. But mostly she made sure to embarrass him just enough as mothers do. It never used to bother Pit when he was little, seeing as he was more naive and in his own world drawing pictures or playing with blocks, but now that he was older it got under his skin--especially if Palutena was teasing him about possible crushes!

“I already told you,” his voice lowered to a murmur, immediately regretting raising his voice, “I don’t have a crush on Pittoo.”

“Okay, okay,” Palutena said in defeat.

Trying to change the subject, Pit asked, “Is there anything I need to do today, Lady Palutena?” His face was still dying down of red color.

“This is quite coincidental,” she began. Pit didn’t like that tone of her voice. He had a bad feeling about this. He prayed and hoped it didn’t involve Dark Pit. But, what a surprise, of course it did. “It seems you left your bow behind a couple nights ago at the hot spring. Pittoo seems to have it.”

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