Chapter Twenty-six

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A/N: This chapter is the first chapter of the fanfic. I just gave it this title because the last chapter of Kid Icarus Uprising is twenty-five, so I thought this would be a cool twist to the title.


What a long day it had been for Pit. He was absolutely exhausted.

There wasn't a day in his life that he was more tired than he was that day. He was ready for a nice, long soak in the hot spring that he loved the best. Dusk had arrived and the sky was now a dark blue. The dying sunset could be seen far in the Eastern part of the sky. Pit grinned as he waved to the decaying, red sun. The hazy, pinkish hue from the sky slowly but surely disappeared within minutes.

After Pit flew with his darker self in the sky once the fate of the world had been decided, he went back home where Palutena made sure he was fed and his injuries were taken care of. Over dinner, she had asked Pit to report to her main headquarters after letting him take a peaceful nap. She had something very important to discuss with him. Little did Pit know that this upcoming conversation would change his life.

Despite being a supernatural being and having perfectly developed wings for a male fourteen year old angel, Pit was unable to fly on his own. Nobody knew the reason why or what may have caused it; his feathers grew plump and the bone structure from his shoulder blades was in the form it should be, without any kinks or distortions in the bones. So why? Nobody had the answer. Everybody thought it could've possibly been caused by defective genes. This fact had always saddened Pit. Ever since he was a younger boy, he watched the other angel children with slight envy and sadness as they flew freely and joyfully through the vast sky. It didn't bring him down very much, though. Pit had always had a cheerful, innocent nature and seemed to always have a smile on his bright face. He loved his Lady Palutena and would do anything to serve her. He would even give up his life for her if he had to. Though Pit could not fly, Palutena chose him over all the angels and centurions to be her army's main commander. Pit felt honored by this. His first long, hard journey was when he was just eight years of age, and he fought against the Underworld army and Medusa, the so-called leader of the Underworld and the goddess of darkness. He was very brave to do this, and defeating the her alone was proof that Palutena should make Pit her main commander.

In order for Pit to fly, Palutena granted Pit the Power of Flight. This allowed him to fly on his own, but only for five minutes while Palutena controlled his flight movements. Those parts of the power sucked to Pit, but it made him happy just to be in the air.


Before Pit took off to go to his beloved steamy goodness, he remembered Palutena had asked him to report to her headquarters as soon as he had awoken from his nap. He obeyed her, as he always did, and rushed over there immediately. Being the klutz that he always was, Pit forgot to wear his sandal boots or at least slip on some looser shoes in a hurry. And as he ran to Palutena's headquarters, the stone path dug into his feet. He hissed in pain, hopping slightly in attempt to avoid the hard road, but he kept on moving without any complaints since he was devoted to the kind goddess fully and had promised to meet up with her.

Pit knocked on the door a secret knock that only him, Palutena, the other angels and the centurions knew the rhythm to. Other than all of them, nobody was allowed in the headquarters. This special knock was made in case it was an enemy at the door who didn't know the secret code. The door opened a bit and Pit walked inside.

"I'm so glad you could make it, Pit!" Palutena had a wide smile on her face. The news she had for him must have meant only good. "I have a surprise for you."

Pit's eyes brightened up and he beamed. "Oh, let me try and guess," he chirped and then went into some deep thinking. "You're getting me a new pair of rocket boots so I can fly?"

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