Not What Meets The Eye

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It has been two days since Pit met up with Dark Pit in the sky during the rainy day. He was no longer mad at himself for angering the darker angel, but something he noticed over the past few days was that he absolutely could not get Dark Pit out of his head. He just couldn’t stop thinking about him! It seemed his crush was forming more and more. What even was it about him that made Pit fall head over feels over him?

Maybe it was his looks. His dark hair and piercing, daring crimson eyes. The way he smirks sometimes was rare but adorable. He was slightly taller than Pit, and his wings were sharper and more cool-looking than most angels’ wings. He was lean and strong for his age. This made him all the more attractive.
Maybe it was his personality? Though Dark Pit was brute and rough with almost everyone, he was sarcastic and sassy and that made Pit secretly laugh. He loved calling him Pittoo or Ptooey just to see him get annoyed and flustered.

Could it have been the fact that he has saved him over and over and was there to protect him? While Pit is usually alarmed from the sight of Dark Pit holding his silver swords or his Electroshock arm, he felt safe around him at other times.

All of these feelings were coming so fast.

Whatever. Pit wasn’t going to let it get in the way of his duties!
But even so. . .as he watched the foamy, liquidy shampoo run down his body and rush towards the drain, his dark dopplegänger still was in his thoughts. He tried to concentrate on his duties today for Palutena’s army, but Dark Pit wouldn’t go away! That jaw dropping smirk was still glued in his mind. Those red eyes seemed to still be looking over in his direction even though he wasn’t even there. Even the way Dark Pit flew amazed Pit. He was just so cool!

Pit squirted some of his favorite strawberry conditioner in his hand and rubbed it in his hair and wings, lathering it into a foam. There wasn’t time to dwell on all this. Palutena had mentioned Magnus wanting Pit to drop by the human village and train with him since he was still, quote unquote, a skinny wimp. That was in the words of strong, bulked up Magnus himself. Of course he looked down upon anyone who was smaller than him, which was just about every creature.

Pit sighed kind of in a bored way. He wasn’t looking forward to training with Magnus. While he loved the crushy emotions, he also hated the fact that Dark Pit was soaring around in his mind rather than the sky. It bugged him to no end, yet it was a new excited feeling that he loved to hate.

The cascading water from the shower slowly died down. Water dripped from Pit’s hair and wings as he left the shower and dried himself off. He looked at himself in the mirror, finally realizing something he couldn’t over all the developing crushing feelings. Was he good enough for Dark Pit? He brushed through his fluffy brunette hair. He gazed into his own blue eyes from the reflection. Suddenly all his confidence was lost. Even though he had no chance of being with Dark Pit, he still wondered if there was a small sliver of a chance. But was he good enough for him? Was he cute enough? He glanced back up at the mirror, looking over his face.

His hair is too long. He looked like a girl!

His blue eyes are too big. They could stare for miles. Bug-eyed was he.

His nose is too small and petite. That’s too cute and not handsome enough. This isn’t what Pit wanted.

His lips were always curled into a smile. Who loves an overly-positive person, anyways?

His wings are too plump and fluffy. He didn’t look intimidating or cool at all.

His long eyelashes only made him look more like a girl. Just great.

Always Pit had been confident and even a bit narcissistic at times, and this was especially when it came to his looks. But comparing to someone as good looking as Dark Pit, Pit felt a wave of self consciousness wash over all of him. This bashfulness and lack of self esteem was something he never felt before!

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