Seldom Seen

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“I know it’s only been an hour, but for them it’s probably been a week. So much could have happened to them in so little time for our world.”
Tears were streaming down Palutena’s face like there was no tomorrow. You could have even assumed she had the power to form waterfalls from her eyes. Her nose glowed red, her puffy eyes matching. Crumpled up tissues were scattered around the chair, as well as the floor beside her. Three empty tissue boxes were stacked on the side table next to the chair.
Palutena rarely cried, but Pit’s life was at stake as well as her soldiers’ lives. And she definitely regret saying Pittoo should be eliminated, because she now saw that he was not harmful and violent after all, and wouldn’t ever wish for anything to happen to him. She knew that Pittoo made Pit happy, and that they may be meant for each other. She couldn’t lose either of them because one or the other would be left heartbroken.
“It’s hard to believe,” Viridi weeped. “We’ve only been worrying for this long and they’ve been struggling in the Aurum dimension for a week! It’s unforgivable!”  Her tears gushed out of rage and frustration rather than sadness. She wouldn’t stand for this. She wished she could go there and defeat Pyrrhon on her own! It would be revenge for invading and destroying the Earth, stealing the natural resources and causing overall harm and threatening their dimension. But her powers were cut off in the Aurum dimension, therefore there was nothing she could do.
“We. . .” Palutena’s voice trailed off as she went into her train of thought. “We just need to think positive, like Pit always does! I’m sure that’s how he’s leading the team right now, right?”
“Yeah, let’s think positive,” Viridi said with palpable sarcasm. “Pit and Pittoo and your soldiers are in a completely alternate world right now fighting aliens, and they may never return. Where’s the positivity in that?!”
“Calm down, please. This isn’t easy for either of us, you know!”
Viridi sniffled, her cute hazel eyes flooding with fresh tears from guilt of exploding at Palutena over something so stupid. She tried to speak and say sorry to her, but she just choked up whenever she tried to speak as her crying picked up again. For the time being, the angels were out of their world and neither goddess had even the tiniest sliver of control over that. Palutena really couldn’t blame Viridi for being frustrated.
“I never knew Pittoo meant this much to you,” Palutena said, her voice calmer this time. “I can somewhat understand since he’s an officer in your forces, but you seem terribly worried about him.”
Viridi hiccuped and let her weeping simmer before she spoke again. “There is much more history between Pittoo and I than you think. But you must swear not to tell him I told you. And don’t even think about telling Pit!”
“You have my word, o goddess of nature.” Palutena smiled brokenly, trying to lighten up the mood a bit. “I swear by my life.”
But even so, the ache in her heart being shown on her face was a sight that was seldom seen. The sparkly tears were extremely rare coming from Palutena’s emerald green eyes. And who would've thought Viridi would be the first to see this?


As Pit advanced with the others, a sudden wave of guilt washed over his heart. He slowed in his tracks a bit, a frown forming on his face. Of course, as his boyfriend, Pittoo noticed the sudden change of energy from Pit instantly, which was usually bright and happy. He glanced over with red eyes and saw the frown curled on the lighter’s lips.
“Pit,” he whispered close so Ivy and Markus wouldn’t hear. “You doing alright?”
Pit glanced over at his doppelgänger, his blue eyes overcome with remorse. He sighed softly and said, “I feel guilty for leaving Lady Palutena behind. I get the terrible feeling that her and Viridi are scared for us.”

“Well, that's just tough,” Pittoo whispered back, earning a look of shock and disgust from Pit. “They care about all four of us, so they're going to worry regardless. I do think, though, that you and Palutena have a special connection if you can feel her emotions with her.”

Strings of jealousy yanked at Dark Pit’s heart.

A smile spread across Pit’s lips as he stopped in his tracks and kissed Pittoo. He didn't care that they were falling behind, or making inefficient progress for that matter. This moment was crucial, and this was Pit’s thanks to Pittoo for being there for him when his goddess wasn’t. The darker returned the kiss, a little more hopeful that he had won Pit’s pure heart as he snaked his arms around the lighter’s waist.

“Um, really?! You've gotta be kidding me right now!”

Their faces flushed bright red as they pulled apart from their little blissful fantasy. Their eyes shifted to the angered shriek in unison, and saw Ivy with enraged blue crystals and dark, furrowed eyebrows. Her arms were tensed at either side of her. Markus, on the other hand, was snickering at Ivy’s flustered self and signaling Pit a thumbs up behind her back. He mouthed the words, “you’ve got it made”. Even after all the abuse Markus has been through from his father, his sense of humor and silly personality always shone through the cracks of the stone from his violated heart and mind.

“We’re out here in an otherworldly dimension fighting for our lives and you two are busy kissing?!" Ivy exploded.

“Who says you're our boss?” Pittoo shot back, his voice nonchalant but his ears remaining bright red.

“Y’all are nasty!” She turned her back to Pit, Pittoo and Markus and continued walking.

As Pit passed Markus, he snuck his hand out down low and gave Pit a high five. The brunette cracked a smile at the silliness. Markus still had it.

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