Chapter-3 Almost Time for the contest to start!

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I was in a daze, I could not come up with a solution so instead, I said awkwardly "Hi?" While smiling, I was put in a very difficult position.

I then waved at him and immediately said in a rushed way " Now that we know of each other's existence..." I clicked my tongue and made a confused face while smiling " I'm a very busy person and that closet is calling me so... BYE!" I rushed back into the closet and collided with the things inside while shutting the door with a "THUMP!"

It was silent for a moment until my stupid stomach started to grumble, not quietly but it was a booming growl that sounded like a dying monster. 

I hid my face in embarrassment and cried to myself thinking  "WHY!?" Even though I could die right now I'm still hungry. 

"Aha, can you pass me the bread on  the table and act like you didn't hear that?" My face was beet red and my voice was hardly audible.

He burst into a laughter that was deep and ravishing while I was so embarrassed I covered my face in my hands and wanted to stay in there forever or until he left. I groaned and then said irritated "just pass me the bread, I didn't eat anything all morning because of what you have seen, or if you don't get the hint the two men who tried to abduct me!"

I opened the closet door and got up, I saw no reason to hide anymore if he already saw me and knows where I am. I  huffed grabbed my bread and took a huge bite. I didn't care if it was improper or not.

He stared at me with his curious, bold, electrifyingly frosty, bright blue eye that swam together with each other and his lips curled into a smile as I took a bite. At that moment deep inside of me I was screaming internally out of embarrassment since I probably looked like a sewer rat. But I didn't care I was just so famished and I already made a fool out of myself, besides what creep stares at a person when they are eating.

He then said to me "If you want a proper breakfast I can buy you some?"

I glanced at him and muffled " No thanks, besides I don't like owing people especially strangers. I don't know if you would poison me." 

He smiled and said amused, " That contradicts what you said a while ago."

I let out a sigh and smiled " Hi, I'm Rosemary and everything I said was nonsense so don't take it seriously, I wasn't thinking logically. "

He then said in a muse " I didn't ask you for your name. "

I said in a sarcastic tone " Do I need your permission, no, not really. "

He laughed and said " Nice to meet you my name is Dieu. "

" Nice to meet you too " I replied while smiling brightly while thinking about his strange name and how to pronounce it and how awkward it would be to say his name wrong.

There was a moment of silence until Dieu turned serious and said in a harsh voice giving off a cold vibe " What happened here, other than people coming to try to kidnap you?"

I knew I had to lie if I did not want any attention, lying was easy to me I let out a smooth lie It seemed as though I was telling the truth and my heart didn't speed up when I lied. Lying was a skill I acquired from all my missions although I didn't use it unless it was for a greater cause. 

That cause was to stop me from dying because if they knew that I, a slim 14-year-old soon to be 15 years of age and had no experience or any developed muscles and seemed to be babied all her life, was able to defeat two grown experienced men then It would give me too much attention and I would be targeted without an idea of who is targeting me.

Demise I The White Phoenix Series #1Where stories live. Discover now