Chapter 5 - Contest of the Fittest

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The guy who came in had a black suit on and he had a scruffy face with a full head of hair appearing to be in his mid 30's, about 33?

As soon as I saw him a thought vibrated in my head, it's the vice principal, and he is here to explain the challenge for today.

He then smiled while scanning the crowd. He probably thought the more talented student's we have the more fame we will get.

He spoke, " Hello, my name is David Brown, and for some of you I'm your soon to be vice-principal, I want you guys to try your best for this test, besides this is very serious and I'm sure you want to make someone proud."

People then started to murmur some saying who they wanted to make proud out loud while others kept to themselves which included me.

For me, I had no one I wanted to make proud if someone asked me this I would stifle a laugh and say 'myself.'

David then continued to speak, " For this challenge, you will be running non-stop and you are only allowed to stop for at most 5 hours which may seem like a lot but you never know. Anyway, you will have timers that you cannot take off on your wrist it has a timer set for five hours and every time you stop or run too slow it will start counting down. A loud horn will go off when 200,000 people failed, so good luck!"

Everyone started to murmur thinking that that was unreasonable and outrageous or even easy saying "200,000!? I may as well fail" or " We have a 5-hour break, this is nothing." 

Once David disappeared the area turned into a large track stretching for miles and small poles with bracelets with our number, a picture of us and a five hour time stamp came out from the ground causing dust and rubble to be everywhere. 

As soon as saw the bracelet I quickly started to run at a nice pace knowing that as soon as it appeared it would start counting down till you put it on you and ran. I also knew that if you run too fast you would lose all your energy and if you took to many breaks you would lose energy. 

After running for a while I stopped and started to test out what was the slowest I could run which I soon found out that it was a light jog. 

Finally after at least 5 minutes passed I heard many different loud gasps and people burst into sprints.

But only if the test was this easy I would have never worried that much, even if you were not aware of it you would soon figure out that people sabotaged each other besides who's to say the cuff would know if you are running, for all you know you could just be beating someone up and it would be classified as running. Furthermore, the track was so big that it extended deep into the forest, the opposite direction of Eric my master.

But another thing I shouldn't be surprised about was a death well not A death, it was more like many deaths. Before we entered this we had to sign a permit saying the school and this test is not responsible for any deaths, so hey you have a child you don't want, or your child is misbehaving just take them here, they might die but, hey, you did what you thought was best.

I kept jogging and although I looked like one of the people most likely to fail I just kept running as I got deeper in I heard more screams and cry there was probably traps too. 

To be honest, the people who could use their elements early had an advantage but they probably been through some rough times to be able to use it so I can't say it's unfair because they also had to teach themselves how to use it and out of everyone there was probably just one to four people.

I was jogging when I encountered my group of friends who ignored me or they did not see me because of what I was wearing. They, of course, laughed at what I looked like at the moment and ran off saying...

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