Chapter 7- Save a Stranger

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My mind was in a jumble and my throat was wiped of all its moisture. I had to think fast and although they didn't know it I was like a car without a wheel, I wasn't able to roll until I fixed this, my morality would kick in most of the time.

I could have let them die but instead, my feet moved on their own running towards the guy, I bit my lip and knew I had no time to waste I checked his pulse to see if he was alive and then whipped my head around.

I bellowed while my hands were figuring their way around the complex knots "What are you doing! Are you statues?! If you don't come here your best fate would be that you get eliminated!"

They were shocked, I covered the fear on my face and would glace around quickly for the danger coming here.

My heart was beating so much that it was starting to ache. 

The guy was alive, I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding in and continued.

They finally came running towards me and I glared at them, irritated that it took them so long to come here.




I tried to calm myself, believing that if I did I would find a solution.

I said to myself nothing is going to happen, it's all right you can do this.

I sighed and focused all my attention on the muddy knot as my finger slid across it.

I then came to a realization.

" I'm such an idiot," I  scolded quietly

Unfortunately, Threvas heard and yelled while trying to untie the knots on the poor guy's bloody legs.

He said to me baffled being the hot-headed person he is " How? Is it because you are regretting helping him! I always knew the Mist family was wretched!"

I held in my anger knowing if I did something to him at the moment he would get hurt and he was the strongest here so we would have less strength and power. We needed all the help we could get.

So instead I then cautioned while moving a good amount away from them " Pull his arms and legs in different directions I am going to start in twenty seconds!"

" What if we don't?" Solis challenged with a grin on her face.

" Your not the boss of us! " she said while playing with her pigtails.

I scoffed at her childish behavior and responded truthfully " I never said I was the boss of you, and I never acted like one. I'm weak at the moment and I need your help, but I will do everything I can so I don't weigh you down."

I then continued while getting ready to run forward and looking at all of them "Right now I am asking for all of your help to help save this person or we could die or lose time from our five hours. So all of you I need you to trust me, OK."

I smirked to hide my fear because of the fact that the tornado was hitting us in nine minutes or less, " Three seconds..."

" Three, two, one!"

I took out a pocket knife hidden on my arm and started to run to the tree where the guy was hanging, they screamed and looked at me like a mad woman but they still held their grip on the rope and pulled it apart.

Which I was thankful for because any wrong move would lead to someone getting hurt.

I slashed the knife across the ropes and the slid off as soon as I did that he fell and Ash and Omorfi caught him.

I looked at my pocket watch then at the tornado that was destroying everything in its path.

I helped to hold the guy who was still unconscious while Threvas warned us about the tornado and Solis scouted the area.

We finally got out the way, now we needed to get as far away as possible.

We all started to get out the way as fast as we could everyone was now carrying him as I was in the front leading the way, we were headed back to the path I went in my past life knowing we would have to get around all the dangers that were to come. 

I helped them avoid traps of all sorts while moving far away from the tornado at a good speed. 

I finally opened my water bottle and drunk a little sip.

They stared at me thinking I would share, well I don't know who told them that!

Threvas was actually bold enough to say " Rosemary, we are a group so we share everything!"

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and my voice boomed in a stern tone Stingley" Share? Ha, share, I shared many things with you guys I think that's enough!"

Omorfi looked at me then hurriedly looked away after I saw him staring.

I smiled a little, as Ash picked up where Threvas left off " Like what?!" she challenged while walking at the same pace as everyone else and stumbling a few times still holding the guy up without wavering.

I cleared my throat and acted as if I was preparing to make a speech " To all the dear civilians here, I have saved your sorry butts soooo many times! "

I grinned while staring at all of them dully right about to bombard them with sarcasm" First of all, I shared my knowledge and my tools. Let me go over, in case you have a short memory or you just didn't want to think about it..."

" Remember that guy who was plotting to kill or hurt you, and as soon as knew I shared my knowledge on that matter and shared what was stated on the recorder, that none of you knew I had."

I nodded then chuckled as if was remembering some fun childhood memories, " I can't believe you guys forgot this but remember the explosion and the tornado I shared my knowledge on those, haha I can still remember the looks on your faces!"

They were embarrassed, Solis looked at the ground while Ash looked the other way they were both blushing.

I tittered and then said even more sarcastically " Oh yeah remember what happened a few minutes ago. It was so funny when you guy just decided to help a random person without even knowing if it was a trap or not and you didn't even notify me about it."

I put my hand on my chin and continued speed walking using my left hand to carry the poor guy, " Now you want me to share my water when I could have just looked at you guy struggling and ran off like you guys thought I would do. Maybe I should live up to your expectations! I should just..."

Threvas interrupted me knowing what I was going to say " No, you know what Rosemary keep your water."

Solis then said " What! We are all struggling!"

I scoffed and said what I was holding in " You know Solis has six nutritional bars that she wasn't planning on sharing."

Solis then looked betrayed and she didn't know what to do.

The guy we were holding groaned I immediately asked them about how much resting time we had after seeing that we were far away from the tornado.

Ash replied " About four hours and forty minutes!"


 I slowly laid him on the floor and glanced at the board that said '119,231 people remaining'

The tornado wasn't stopping and because of that, it took out more people than the explosion.

I could only imagine the deadly scene.

I sighed at the loss of many people and eventually the guy woke up he glared at me and punched me in the face I stumbled backward and stared at him in surprise.

A warm liquid ran down my nose and the ground scratched my skin.

He continued glaring at me then got up dusting off his jeans and green sweater while taking off his hood revealing his blonde hair and hazel eyes.

I glared back at him, first shocked then I was upset, I huffed slowly getting up to avoid falling. 

It was Nerivin or my silly nickname for him Blondie!

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