Chapter 10 ~ Can't I Do Nothing For One Day!

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Fear comes from within...


"Hmm?" I said drowsily while my eyes were closed.

I flipped to the other side of the bed, the opposite of the door. 

" Hello? I'm Threvas, Aval told me to get you since she tri-------"

I started to mute him out and muffled unaware of what I was saying " I'm coming, I'm coming just wait a sec... I'm coming"

I yawned and stretched but my body refused to get out of bed, everything was warm and the sheets felt softer than before. I flopped back onto the bed and got lost in the sheets forgetting what Threvas just said, smiling to myself.

My body felt like weights sinking underwater and I relaxed.

 What was I doing again? 

I asked myself barely awake. Probably nothing, I responded to myself while dozing off, leaving Threvas outside to wait for me.

Thirty minutes later

" Wake up!!!" 

I soon recognized that voice and yelled: " What do you need Threvas!"

He yelled so loud it echoed " WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'What do you need'" I could tell by his voice that he was shaking in anger.

" Huh?" I responded while not knowing why he was so angry, maybe he needed a snicker.

" Just get ready!" he said trying to control how upset he was.

" Ok," I responded politely, afraid that he would tackle me if I said something he didn't like.

I decided to go out the same way I looked when I came in and threw on my socks and shoes. I came out and Threvas looked at me while trying to hold in his laughter.

" What?" I questioned while glaring at him.

" Nothing." He responded while leading the way

I nodded while pulling my hoodie over my head, suspecting that he was lying to me. 

Eventually, I started to lead the way, knowing by heart where we were going, probably by the direction we started off with and by what Aval told us.

" How do you know where to go?" Threvas questioned

I responded while chuckling nervously " Lucky guess!"

I quickly changed the subject " So are we late?"

" Yes, and it's because your sleep was so good, you just couldn't get out of bed~" He replied sarcastically.

I paused after reaching the destination and finally responded " Yes it was way better than having to see your face."

Ashley popped up and said while giggling brightly after hearing our conversation " And I guess that's the reason you couldn't wipe the drool from your mouth,"

I blushed and quickly took the tissue from her hand after saying thank you and rubbed my mouth as anger boiled up inside of me. Threvas had left as soon as Ashley showed up, so instead of scolding him, I wanted to get revenge.

I then growled " THAT LITTLE...!"  

I walked into the room and smiled as my anger was replaced by my nervousness even though I  already knew the outcome. My heart sped as I walked to the line where they would be checking for our elements.

I gulped while thinking of the outcomes, wondering what they would do when they found out that  I had no elements, that I was a dud. Would it be the same as before? Would they get upset at me for lying to them? Will they all betray me.

Everything around me got larger and my vision blurred as I stared at the ground hiding my fear with a smile. It was dark and I started to feel cornered.

Everything that happened before replayed in my head, all the laughter and murmuring under their breaths. Even when people tried to bully me, even if it didn't work out the way they planned.

I was drowning in fear...

 Yet I overcame the fear and stood straight with my heart pounding against my chest until they called me. I walked over and time seemed to stop, my heart stopped when they called my number. The huge luminous night sky orb shone brightly and the instructors told me to place my hands on the orb, which I already knew that I had to do that.

I knew that when I put my hand on the orb I will see things that would represent the elements I may or may not have and the instructors will see the colors and shapes forming on the orb and tell me what elements I have.

I hesitantly placed my hands on the orb as a cold sweat ran down my face from knowing better, like why does everyone have to know my elements, it doesn't have to be showcased.

My, I could see my reflection on the orb as it changed from blue to white, with nothing resembling an element of any sorts. I sighed and smiled as I turned to the instructor and asked with fake glee " So~ what're my elements!!!" 

He replied sorrowfully " Um, I'm sure you will do great things in life even without an element."

"So what do you mean?!" I replied with my voice cracking and my hands trembling. I then bit my lip for more of an effect.

"I'm sorry to say this but you don't have an element." He blurted while turning away due to the guilt.

The room was loud if I excluded the few silent people in the room. I abruptly headed towards the chairs where the people who got tested already sat. I ignore the talking and waited for the rest of the people to get tested.

I started to get tired and closed my eyes to breath without everyone's talking, that was until someone placed something cold on my head. I yelped and stood up and saw everyone staring daggers at me. I quickly returned my attention to the person in front of me.

" Why would you do that?!" I whispered in furry.

Ashley gushed " Because I wanted to wake you."

" I can tell," I said drowsily.

" I mean do you want something to drink! I didn't drink any of it" She countered.

 I nodded and she gave me the bottle, she then sat next to me.

I then asked while I was curious " What's your element?"

She smiled proudly and said, " I have thunder combined lightning and magma! I have two!"

I smiled and asked, " Does that mean you can only use thunder and lightning at the same time?"

" Yeah, what about you? Can you use 4 like the nobles!" She asked me with a grin.

I sighed and pondered " No it's quite the opposite... did you already hear of the person who is a dud?"

She replied sorrowfully " Yeah, but I'm sure if they made it this far they must have been strong or they must have something to back up their disadvantage."

I smiled a little and mused " It's me!"

" GAHHH, WHAT!!!?" She yelled while standing, causing me to laugh at her and everyone's reactions.

" Such loud kids!" Someone spat.

After she sat back down while blushing I said in a passive tone " It's not like I'm going to die."

" I know but... will you be ok at the academy?"

" Yeah, I will be, I THINK I CAN DEFEND MYSELF." I firmly said.

" Ok, I know you can. But since you said so I won't intervene. " She said amused.

" Can we leave now? I'm tired." I sighed.

"  Only after we have a chat, Miss. Dud" Someone added in from behind.

I turned around to see a long-haired blonde with her hair tied in a ponytail staring at me with her blueish green eyes.

" Do I know you?" I said to her, questioning why I have never seen this girl in both lifetimes.

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