Chapter 4~ Time Flies

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You don't fear the dark you fear what lurks within.

I then left my house and headed to the person who would be an important part of my destiny, even if it was 3 years too early. 

I checked my pocket watch " It's 1:32 pm I have about 14 hours till the contest starts, It takes 2 hours to get there meaning I have only 10 hours to spend. I would also need at least 7 hours of sleep for the long day tomorrow meaning I have just 2 hours to talk and start my lessons since I would need the extra 1 hour to get dressed and take a shower since it starts at 3:30 am."

Eric was my master, he taught me how to survive in this cruel world where you could die at any moment.

I feel like I owe him for that and I'll be owing him in both lifetimes, I need him to teach me all over again because if I'm being honest I am quite rusty and he died by an 'illness' before he could teach me everything and that was 32 year's of skills at least which would have been 1 year and a half with him teaching me. He was truly a master of powers.

At first, I strolled the streets looking around at my old home and hearing the cheerful streets as the wind blew in my face and the sun stood over us it was unlike the murky future.

 I was drenched in sweat, oblivious to the fact that he would be gone at 3:30 pm to his winter home until spring has begun. I hummed to myself assured that my plans would go right.

1 hour later~

Suddenly while I was riding the train realization hit me hard, I blinked slowly and my lips parted and shivers were sent up my spine 'Holy macaroni, he's leaving in thirty minutes!'

I as the doors opened I sprinted out and stumbling down the stairs and jumping off the last few steps.

 "Why am I forgetting such important things?!" I huffed to myself while dragging around my sore weak legs. 

I looked around trying to remember a shorter way to get there then I dashed into the forest well aware of the creatures that were there. I ran non stop turning and crawling and swimming and doing every movement in the world!

I checked my watch briefly 14 minutes to get to a place that is 32 minutes away. 

I was slowing down and gasping for air, I kept tripping over rocks and branches causing bruises all over after I tripped for the 13th time I stayed laid on the damp grass as pain surrounded my body, my sweater was wet from the grass, pebbles, shrubs, underbrush, and everything on a forest floor.

I slid my hand on my face and whimpered '" Gosh why am I so forgetful and weak and... moronic and stupid and helpless and..." I sighed.

" What's the point of this, I'm supposed to be in my best condition b-but instead I'm like this!" my voice started to crack as I laughed sorrowfully.

" God just any god, if this is my punishment..." I sighed.

I took my hand off my face and closed my eyes firmly my consciousness then said in a sharp tone "You're not going to cry when things don't go your way! Not now not ever!"

I'm going to die tomorrow if I don't do anything I thought.

How did I survive last time I mused as the thought echoed in my mind. 

I chuckled after finally remembering and sighed, Oh yeah, I hired people to fight and protect me, I scoffed "I really am helpless."

I finally decided to get up and my legs were still sore, I continued running well aware of the fact that I couldn't get there in time but I at least wanted to gain some stamina, I knew I couldn't give up without a fight.

Demise I The White Phoenix Series #1Where stories live. Discover now