Chapter 1

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   Hi I am Lexi Grey and this is my story. I have long dark blonde hair. I am pretty tall and I have been alone since I was 4 years old when my mother died. I am what everyone considers a rogue. Rogue life isn't so bad, I do what I want when I want and no body can tell me differently.
   I currently stay in a forest and my home is inside a hollowed out tree with a little friend of mine, and she's a skunk. I named her Daisy. She helps me alot to be honest. You see other wolves don't like skunks so if they come near she sprays and they leave. You see it hurts their noises and it keeps me safe from danger. She has tough me what is safe to eat and what isn't with the forests greens.
  Right now as a matter of fact we are hiding in my tree. I heard rogue's the other day but they were far off but I don't want to chance it. I have a food cache stored away in our tree for these instances along with winter.
   I'm watching Daisy for any signs of them coming nearby and she is indicating that they are because she just froze and turned around so her butt is facing the entrance. I'm sure they can smell me, but my scent is covered with hers as well so that should help mask it.
   I follow her everywhere she goes, so we both get food and what we need to eat for the winter months and summer. I do lay traps but always in our area of hunting, she lives it because we catch rabbits all the time. Skunks are omnivores so they like meats and stuff to, but their not as great at hunting.
   I can hear the rogues now, they are sniffing around, I think they are looking for me, must have picked up my scent. I move to the back of our home, while Daisy prepares to spray.  I am scared they will find me. I've never had to encounter rogues because of Daisy. And if she wanders off which she does sometimes I climb a tree to hide.
   Some people would think that oh she lives in the wild so she's filthy and dirty, but I'm not I bathe in the lake nearby our house and I brush my hair the best I can with my fingers.
    Daisy just sprayed her potent odor and I hear cries and crashing through the trees. Howling in pain. I snicker and walk over to Daisy and pick her up and go to our bed of pine boughs, and we lay down for the night. They won't be back any time soon.

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