Chapter 2

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   I woke the next morning and I felt weird, which is unusual for me. Daisy was gone, which is usual for her, she's out foraging. I get up off our bed and I'm instantly in pain. I scream, as my bones start breaking. What is going on, mom never said anything about this happening, oh why mom couldn't you have just ran away and came back after the danger was gone.....?
   I fell to there ground crying because of the pain, no matter what I do nothing helps. I need Daisy..... I start to crawl for the door and can't because of the pain....
   Next thing I it's about an hour into the pain when it stops. I stand up on all four feet, wait four...... I look down and at my body and I'm a wolf. I knew that I was but now, I'm actually a wolf. My fur is a golden yellow and I have white legs,but that's all I can see.
   I run out of our house and run to the lake. I look at myself, I have a small star on my forehead, my eyes are a beautiful water blue. My wolf is gorgeous. And that's when she decides to talk...."why thank you Lexi, I am Lola, your wolf." It shocks me at first but then I realize I'm not alone in this world anymore. "By the way Happy Birthday, every wolf changes on his or her 17th birthday," she says.
  Just then Daisy comes up and rubs on my legs like she always does. Well now I know that she won't be scared of me. But I guess my wolf and I smell the same so she would know us.
   I decide that I no longer want to trap rabbits but I want to learn how to hunt deer and whatever else wolves hunt, but not knowing how I ask Lola. She says,"let me show you how, just relax and open your mind and I can take over and you can watch as we hunt." So I do.
   Lola starts by sniffing the air and then she runs off in the direction that we smelled a deer. Once we get close she slows down and starts to creep closer. When she's close enough she pounces and kills the deer by clamping her jaws around it's throat till it dies, we then start dragging the deer closer to home so that I don't have to walk far to get it's meat to eat, but far enough away to keep rogues and bears away from the house.
   We get back home and I am instructed how to change back by Lola. She's a great help now. We are going to be best of friends. After I change back to human form I get my clothes on. I make my clothes from the rabbit hides, but now I can make clothes from the deer.
   I go back out the deer with my sharpened rock and start by taking off the hide and putting it in my tanning log to tan it. I then start by getting meat for dinner. I cook it over a fire and Daisy,Lola and I eat. The deer tastes so good,way better than the rabbits I've eaten over the years.After dinner I clean up and lay down for the night.
   This goes on for months like this, I no longer worry about staying with Daisy when she goes out, because with Lola's help we are strong and trained enough to protect ourselves. I no longer use my traps that I made, so I took them apart and used them for my new clothes and the wood I burn while cooking meals.
   We haven't seen any rogues in a long time, so I go for a hunt with Lola in control, she lives hunting for our food. We track a deer near our lake and we wait for a good clean kill.

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