chapter 27

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                           Lexi's POV

   When I wake u, I feed the pups and tuck them away as my stomach growls. Forgetting I have company I also most run into him. I growl and he backs away and out the doorway.
   I look at him and say,"stay out." He looks at me admiringly and reaches out and touches me. When I feel the sparks my legs want to give out, but I refuse to. I lean into his touch and he smiles. I visibly relax with his touch.
   Then my stomach growls again. I look at him then to the tree where our pups are. He follows my glance and looks at me, "I'll hunt, you stay with them."
   After a while he returns and walks into the doorway as his wolf. I growl at first then he touches me and I calm down. I'm nursing the pups and he notices and watches them nuzzling into my fur looking for nipples to suckle on. He purrs..... as they continue nursing I start cleaning the pups and help them go potty. All the while he watches. And then suddenly he turns and walks outside and a couple minutes later comes in with a mouthful of rabbit. He brings it to me and drops it for me to eat it.
   He sits down and admires the pups. Then he changes, and then talks, "they are absolutely beautiful, Baby girl. Absolutely beautiful. May I sit down next to them and you please." I hesatantly nod my head yes. So he does. Every fiber of my being wants to growl and snap at him, but I don't and keep it at bay. As he sits next to us he puts his hand on my shoulder and the sparks help calm my instincts.
   He never reaches to touch the pups, which is good because if he did he'd most likely be bitten. I didn't want to bite him but I will if I have to.
   His next question made me angry though. " How are we going to get these guys home?" I growl at him for even thinking about it. "I'm sorry Lexi but your other babies need you to and the pack needs you, everyone misses you."  With his words said, I whine.
   "We can't carry all of them, because the second you shift they will start to shift and that's alot of vulurnable babies to carry."
   "If you'll allow me, I might have a way, but I have to touch them first, but I won't if you don't want me to." I thought about for a couple of minutes.  I look at him and nod my head. He picks up the first pup and it cries, I growl and try to grab my pup from him. He takes his hand and touches me, I feel the sparks and calm down as does the pup as it's safely tucked in his arm. He grabs another and does the same and again, till only one pup remains, which I pick up in my mouth.
   He stands up careful not to jostle the pups in his arms and I follow him outside and down the trail towards home. It's a slow walk with the pups. We stopped every two hours so I can feed and clean, while I did that he would change to wolf because we are in the wide open and the pups and I are very vunlerable.
   It took us all night to get half way to the pack. I was getting tired and Derek was to. We looked for a safe place to hide for the night. We found a small hollow that only the pups and I could fit, I put my pup down at Derek's feet and dug it out more and placed my pup inside as Derek bent down for me to put the rest in. After all the pups were in a crawled in and feed them. It was a tight squeeze for me pups and I but it was ok. Derek curled up just in front of our whole and slept as a wolf.
   We rested for a couple of hours and started out again. Derek back in his human form carrying all but one which I have. We were about an hour away from pack land when I smell rougues.
   I start to growl and Derek stops and looks at me. My hackles go up and I go into a protective stance over my little pup I sat down between my legs. Derek couldn't put the pups down it would have been to dangerous for all of them.
   Just then the rogues come out onto the path in front of us. My growls and snarls intensify. There's three rogues and we have our pups, I'm terrified for my pups.
   Derek looks at me, "help is coming baby, but I can't put them down, it's to dangerous for me to, I pick up my pup and stuff it in Derek's arms with the others and he does the only thing he can, he backs away and looks for an escape and try to safely hide our pups.
   As he moves they move, I snarl at at them bringing their attention on to me. He moves again they go back to him. I have had enough of this, Lola says, I agree and we attack. I take the first rogue down no issues. The second manages to get my leg, but I ignore the pain as I tear it's throat out.  The third is bigger and stronger than I am, but I will not let it passed me and get to my pups.
   I will not allow it, I keep in it's path knowing some where behind me are my pups and mate. The rogue finally gives up on trying to get passed me and attacks. It goes for my throat but I just dodge it's attack. I get it's leg my mouth and I clamp on. It howls in pain as I hear the bone snap. It jumps away and is now unable to put weight on it's leg, I jump in and tear out it's throat and watch as it falls to the ground.
   I sit back on my haunches and howl, I honestly don't know why but instantly there's three wolves in my path. I growl and snarl but before anything happens, "Luna is that you?"
   The relief of them being from my pack is amazing. I turn around to run and find my family but Derek is walking towards us, greatful for our help to be here. He's smiling, till he sees me.
   He lays the pups down in the grass next to me and starts checking me out as I'm moving around checking on my babies making sure they are ok. He gets frustrated with me and growls at me, I look at him and growl back. "Lexi will you settle down and stop moving for a couple minutes please?"

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