✉️Chapter 15✉️

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Connor POV

It's no secret that Troye and Tyler have gotten closer since Troye uploaded his Coming Out video. Even the fans noticed it, a lot.

See, people who didn't know them would think I they were definitely flirting, but I know both of them, and I've figured out a long time ago that they're both naturally flirty. They do spend more time together than with the rest of us, but when you're the only two gay guys in a group of people, I guess you tend to gravitate towards each other, wanting to be on common ground.

I mean, I don't think they're totally against the idea of being in a relationship, I can see that from the glances they sneak at each other when they think no one's looking. Troye looks like he's fighting himself a lot when he watches Tyler. Tyler looks more sad, as if he wishes for things between him and Troye to be different.

I, like most of the other YouTubers, were totally taken off guard when Troye uploaded that Coming Out video. Apparently, only Zoë and Tyler knew, and since it seemed like a topic touchy enough for Troye not to mention earlier, we all talked to Tyler and Zoë for a bit more information.

Tyler told me that Troye came out to him while drunk, but that he didn't try to take anything back the next morning. Zoë told me that, well, they both admitted to having some intimate feelings towards each other. She said she hasn't told anyone other than Alfie that part, but figured that I would've guessed at some point in the future, especially since I'm close to both of them.

Honestly, they look so torn up around each other lately. When they're looking at each other, they're the happiest people in the world. When one is looking away, they look, well, depressed. I wish they would just strap a pair on since they're so incapable of growing them themselves and admit to liking each other. I don't think anyone notices their internal torment like Zoë, Alfie, and I, but we notice it for sure, and it's painful to watch.

Honestly, I opted for the couch just so they could share the room together in Brighton. Tyler looked confused, but I thought it was perfectly obvious.

My friends are oblivious idiots. There's no denying it.

Troye POV

Nothing's embarrassing like your crush ( ugh, I hate that word, no matter how appropriate it is for the situation at hand ) walking in on you folding your boxers. At least they were black, but I could tell he was pretty awkward. I molded my features into an emotionless mask, but I felt my ears redden, so it wasn't completely fool-proof.

Tyler continues to embarrass me when he tells me to smile with my teeth, and it takes all of my willpower to hold in a blush when he nudges me, saying,"See, so much cuter!" in my ear.

I don't know if I'll smile with my teeth more often, but at least I can feel confident that it doesn't look goofy when I do so.

Anyways, Tyler, Connor, Zoë, and I all head out to the pier area to let Zoë take us window shopping and see the sights. But there's a slight problem:

It's windy as fuck.

As in, if I didn't have hella strong quiff game, my hair would look like literal shit. Not to mention, that once we were at the pier, I was actually being pushed back by the winds. Even Zoë looked surprised by this wind.

Sadly, only Zoë and I were being pushed by the winds. It didn't seem to be affecting Connor or Tyler too much.

Gee, I wonder why?

Anyways, once we were at the pier, after walking the who,e way there in this insane weather, we all started vlogging. We must've looked like Instagramaholics, but this would be amazing footage for my first traveling vlog.

Yours Truly, Me (Troyler)Where stories live. Discover now