Chapter 4 - Meet the Pack

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Daniel Rivers glanced at the kid in the back seat of his Land Rover. 

He lay curled up, eyes closed, forehead pressed against the cool window pane. Hanging up his phone, Dan let the car rumble to a stop. He saw Darren pull up beside him and glanced back again, before getting out and opening the door to the back seat.

The young man, Charlie, blinked up at him. Dan felt something like a shock go through him. 

He was short, thin, and dwarfed by the oversize, frayed hoodie he wore over a stained T-shirt and rolled up jeans. His sneakers were more duct tape than canvas. Matted black - or perhaps dark brown - hair partially obscured his face and his body language was still more wolf than human. 

His face was covered in a sheen of sweat. Did he have a fever? How long had he been out there...up in the mountains, all alone?

Dan reached out a hand to unbuckle him. Charlie stopped him with a growl, getting out stiffly and staring up at the house they had stopped in front of.

It was a medium-size, one story wooden house on low stilts, with worn steps out front leading up to a wide porch. Lights were on inside the house and dark woods surrounded it on every side. 

Charlie frowned. Dan replied to his silent question, careful to give him his space.

"Well, you see, this is where one of our pack members lives. Our nephew, Morgan. The thing is, he has a gift for healing animals - werewolves too. He's studying veterinary science down in Colorado College but happens to be home for the weekend. 

"Our Alpha is here too - I gave them both a call earlier. Anyway, Morgan says he'll take a look at you - if you want, that is. Tonight. If you don't mind me don't look so good."

Charlie barked a laugh. "Yeah, you've caught me on an off day."

His voice was surprisingly low and raspy, with a hint of a southern drawl. It was...alluring. He pulled on the sleeves of his hoodie to cover his hands, shivering. 

"I'll see your nephew. Thank you, Dan."

Dan grinned, shrugging, and chiding himself silently. He had no business thinking of this youngster as alluring. Dan wasn't looking for any more temporary affairs. He needed someone his own age.

"You the Beta, Dan?" Charlie asked as they walked up to the house, Darren trailing behind them.

"How'd you know?"

"Just a hunch." 

Dan offered his arm to help the injured wolf up the stairs but Charlie ignored him, pulling himself up by the railing and limping towards the front door.

Backing off, the older wolf held open the screen door for him, gesturing Charlie forward. Without hesitation the thin figure stepped first into a brightly lit living room, raising his hand to shield his eyes from the yellow light.

He could not help watching those thin, narrow shoulders. Small, skinny, wounded, and alone, Charlie strode confidently into the room. He stood up straight, looked levelly ahead, and didn't look one bit afraid. Looking at him, Dan felt something swell in his chest.

Was he a runaway? A lone wolf? Or... A rouge?

And why in the world...wasn't he greeting their Alpha? 

Kit squared his shoulders, lifted his chin, and limped into the room with as much swagger as he could muster without falling over. 

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