(Bonus Story) Darren's Mate - Fuck Yes

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Throughout the short drive, Spencer kept his hand on Darren's thigh, very lightly running his fingers up and down the jeans-clad muscle. 

It was almost enough to drive him crazy, that ghost-touch. 

Spencer's scent and appearance had affected him from the start, and Darren had never needed more than that in the past - but this was different. 

His mate had taken the initiative, said Call me in that voice, rebelled against his pack's expectations when he said he didn't want to get hitched, snogged him like the freaking world was ending. 

Sure, he seemed a bit spoilt and bratty too, but Darren could forgive rudeness - he himself was not exactly the world's most polite person, himself.

He laced his fingers through Spencer's and drove with one hand, yearning to reach over and touch his mate. Everywhere.

Instead he squeezed his hand.

"Is this okay?" he murmured. "All...everything?"

"Yes." There was nothing shy or insecure about the look he gave Darren now.

He really shouldn't be pushing his luck, but...


Spencer swallowed, but didn't turn away like he had before. He seemed to have come to a decision sometime during their conversation outside Ronan's house - maybe he had realized the answer to Darren's question.

What do you want?

"You make me feel...free. Like you only expect me to be, well, me. Like I could be, I don't know, anything with you. It's...you have no idea how nice it is." He coughed. 

"And also, you're kind of forbidden, straight vibe, older - " 

"I'm not that much older than you!"

"And hot. As fuck."

"Wow. You only want me for my body."

Spencer squeezed his hand and laughed and the sound made Darren crack a smile, his heart softening. 

When he finally pulled up on the gravel in front of his own wooden bungalow in the woods, he turned towards his mate.

Leaving the keys in the ignition, he leaned over and captured Spencer's wide, full lips in a slow kiss that quickly turned fierce, pushing the car door open behind him just as Spencer ripped off his seat belt, sending both of them tumbling out onto the grass on the passenger side.

Spencer growled and flung a leg over Darren's waist, rolling them so that he was on top, pinning his hips, biting at his lips.

So he liked it a bit rough? Well, Darren didn't mind that at all. He grinned, wolf fangs curling over his lip. 

Suddenly they were surrounded by a mass of furry bodies and loud barks, and Darren cursed.

"Cheeky little shits. Away, monsters! Dora, down!!!"

His mate laughed, reaching over to rub the nearest of the three german shepherds, who tried to lick his face.

"Are they yours?"

"Yeah. Minx and Jackie were my parents'. I bought the little one to cheer them up, but all they've done is teach her their tricks and bad habits," Darren said grumbled.

Then he stuck two fingers into his mouth and whistled twice in quick succession, sending all three of them bounding away around the back of the house. 

Darren watched them go, then yelped in surprise when he felt hands catching each of his wrists and pinning them down, sharp teeth nipping at the soft skin on his neck. He groaned, enjoying it for a moment, before sliding his leg up between Spencer's.

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