Chapter 30 - A Spring Wedding

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Kit surveys his pack.

There is Ronan (competent and commanding respect without ever being pushy or controlling), up at the altar - underneath a flower arch in the woods - looking solemn and collected. 

Morgan, showing the guests to their seats with his customary shy, awkward sweetness, and tugging at his moss-green paisley bowtie (identical to the one Kit himself is sprouting). 

Justin, always at his side, lovingly attentive and looking sleek and cool in his own fitted usher's vest, straightening glass jars filled with baby's breath flowers tied to chairs lining the aisle. 

Darren, that brusque, ridiculous oaf, chatting up two pretty hispanic girls - 

And Dan. Kind, faithful, firm yet playful, modest yet passionate - Dan. The love of his life.

He is speaking to Ronan gently, coaxing a smile out of his best friend. He looks good in his dark green velvet suit jacket, a perfect best man. Next to him stands Ronan's human younger brother in matching attire. 

Kit feels his heart swell with fondness for all of them. 

After moving in with Dan, Kit had found himself in the kind of domestic setting he'd never even dreamed of. 

To his surprise, he had found himself enjoying it. They would cook together (Dan was good, Kit was terrible) watch movies, go for runs and hikes together in both human and wolf form, and talk about everything between heaven and earth. 

And when Dan went to the gym or to one of his community engagements, Kit had found himself more often than not heading over to Darren's place. 

There they would eat junk food, play video games, and take turns messing around with his guitar. Eventually, Kit bought his own and they played together. Dan called it 'jamming' and Darren snickered while Kit rolled his eyes fondly. 

On the weekends the whole pack either trained defence under Ronan or hung out like a group of friends, usually at Morgan's or Ronan's house, or occasionally at Marvin's Bar and Grill.

Kit still worked there part time. But lately he had begun studying for the exam to get certified as a paramedic in Colorado. 

During the last six months he had got his state driver's licence and started going to weekly group therapy meetings and doing cognitive behavioural therapy online. 

Dan did a lot for his local community, as it turned out. He coached a middle school basket ball team and volunteered regularly at a shelter for the homeless, beyond going around to different schools as part of his job as a police officer. Kit had been reluctant to accompany him. He didn't feel up to it.

"Maybe one day," he'd said. "But not yet."

That all changed the day Dan brought him along to a local pet rescue. After that, they both spent one evening per week cleaning crates, fundraising, and walking the dogs at the shelter. And a few months later, they brought home a Staffordshire bullterrier mix with blue eyes and soft grey fur crisscrossed with scars. 

"It's not going to be easy," Dan had warned his lover. "She's been abused - she's skittish, and has lots of bad habits. A puppy would be easier."

"I've got this, Dan," Kit had replied with much more confidence than he actually felt. "I can take care of her. And if I need help - you'll always be there for me, right?"

It wasn't perfect - it probably never would be. Kit still had nightmares (and sometimes daylight visions) so lucid he could barely tell them from reality. 

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