Chapter 24 - Confessions by Moonlight

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Kit felt something slide down his face and brought his hand up - wetness. Dazed, he looked at it.

It was not blood or come, he realised. It was tears.

Kit hadn't cried for 10 years. When his mother died he had told himself that he didn't deserve to cry. When his uncle died he had chosen to focus on revenge and repress everything else. Then he had though only about surviving, not showing weakness.

"I'm free," he whispered, staring at the wetness on his hand and feeling the fat tears slide down his face, another sob wrecking his body. 

Devlin's corpse was still warm against him - head caved in, mushy bright red. It had not exploded into a cloud of dust or goo - whatever powers had turned him into a vampire and sustained his eternal life in exchange for blood had left him now.

Twitching. Just like a human. 

Someone was trying to move him away from Devlin's body and press down on his wounds. 

Kit's emotions came back to him in a rush, snapping him out of his daze. He didn't know if he felt relief or sorrow - joy or excruciating pain.

Throwing his head back, he howled. His human throat couldn't form the noise as well as his wolf could, but he didn't care. 

He howled and thrashed and and cried while countless hands - his pack, familiar scents around him - tried to hold him down and put pressure on his wounds. 

Kit was still screaming when the last of his strength fled and he collapsed in a sticky pool of his own warm blood. Everything went dark. 

"...If you're ready for me boy, you better pu-ush the button and let me know..."

The voice sounded like a bear being strangled. Not that he had ever heard a bear being strangled, per say, but Kit was pretty sure this would be what it sounded like.

"...Push-Push the but-ton..."

His limbs felt like they were weighed down with lead. With immense effort, he opened his mouth.

Kit groaned. "God, stop it," he croaked, barely recognising his even-raspier-than-usual voice. 

"Urgh. Your voice is terrible..." He coughed. "Really, Darren."

The first thing he saw when he opened his crusted eyes was white. White linens and white walls. White, clean bandages all over him. 

Darren grinned. "Glad to see you too."

"Are you?" Kit stared at him. "Are you really?"

"'Course I am. You scared us all shitless, getting shot like that."

Even Dan? Kit wanted to ask. Was he scared for me? 

"How bad is it?" he said instead. 

"Not as bad as it looks, considering it was silver. Cuts were clean and didn't need stitches, and the shot just missed your collarbone, exiting through the shoulder."

Kit noticed belatedly that his left arm was bound in a sling across his chest. 

"Shot cracked a few ribs and punctured the top of your lung, but the doctors said there wasn't much damaged tissue - it will heal in maybe 6-8 weeks." 

Darren paused and looked at him.

"They had to give you blood and treat you for shock, and you had a concussion. But that should be gone now - only the cuts that touched silver will heal slowly." 

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