Chapter 23 - I'd Rather Die

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All hell had broken loose. 

Dan howled, weaving in between attackers in the darkness. He could hear his pack growling, tearing at the intruders. The humans were armed and trained, had sneaked in - but were taken by surprise and had poor night vision.

Shots rang out - short bursts, peppering, loud, sharp through the thick woods. 

He flung himself at a man, ripping into his arm, sending his assault rifle spinning, seeing a flash of Darren's dark fur from the corner of his eye before his brother ripped the intruder's throat out in a spray of blood. 

One of their shots would be enough to kill or maim him - there was enough firepower in their hands to tear him and his pack apart. 

Dan growled, tasting sweet blood, hackles rising. He was the Beta. These were his family lands. 

And they would all pay for threatening his pack. 

Fierce disgust and longing rushed through Kit, rivaling each other in their intensity. He had to hold himself still to avoid rushing at Devlin - whether to kiss him or stab him he didn't know.

"How fitting - meeting a devil in a town built on a crossroads." He meant to spit it but it came out breathless, tremulous.  

"Yes, I'd say it's almost...perfect," Devlin purred, moving towards him even as Kit shrank back, gait flowing and feline and predatory.

He smiled slowly, white fangs flashing.  

"I'd find you at the ends of the earth, Kitty," he said, hissing on the last syllable as his hands shot out, lightning fast, grabbing for him. 

I have to get away. 

Kit yelped, flinching back, but Devlin was faster. He caught his wrist and the wolf twisted it, trying to break his grip where the vampire's thumb met his fingers, turning to run.

Devlin shifted his grip and pulled Kit flush against his chest, lifting him up by the wrist and shoving him against the wallpaper.

Suddenly his whole front was pressed up against Devlin, their faces inches apart, his dried-blood, expensive cologne, gun-oil scent flooding Kit's nostrils. 

The voice he'd heard in his head so any times - the cool hands he'd imagined on his skin again and again, sending shudders of revulsion and satisfaction though his body. Instead of fighting he felt his body go pliant, a soft gasp spilling from his lips. 

Do I want this, after all? Did I...miss him?

A thin, long, razor-sharp knife pressed into his neck just below Kit's jaw .

It cut him just a little bit, stinging over his jugular and windpipe, where one movement could sever them both. He could see the tip of it glinting - brighter than any steel. Burning him.

A silver blade. 

The scent of blood was so thick in the air even Dan could smell some of it, feel it coating the inside of his snout.

There were more of them than he had thought, and they moved in pairs, neither breaking nor panicking even though they must be down to a third of their number, fighting impossibly huge wolves in the dead of night.

Dan looked around and his blood froze.

Justin - on the ground - his flank streaked with blood and Morgan in his human form crouched over him, Ronan in front of them, fighting two armed pairs, moving like a blur.

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