Chapter 8 - Rogue Omega

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Dan swallowed, throat suddenly dry. "He could have a concealed carry permit."

Darren threw up his hands. "No way he has one. We should throw him out."

"That's pretty harsh, Darren," Dan said. "He's a kid, and alone."

"You don't know that. Even after what happened three years ago, you're still going to - "

"That's enough."

At Ronan's words Darren shut his mouth and crossed his arms over his chest. But Ronan wasn't looking at Darren; his eyes were trained on Morgan, who had gone pale.

"That's it. I'm going through his bag." Darren reached for it and Dan snarled, eyes flashing. Everyone froze. 

"No, Darren. I've seen enough people harassing the homeless or taking advantage of runaways. We are not searching his possessions without a warrant, his permission, or a damn good reason. Tomorrow we'll ask him for his ID and concealed carry permit. That's final."

Darren's lips pulled back in a silent snarl, but he obeyed his Beta. "Whatever you say, Officer." 

Dan picked up a thin blanket and covered Charlie's slim body. He glanced again at the wide, pink, shiny scar on the outside of his upper arm. It looked like a bullet wound to Dan. 

He glanced over at Ronan and saw that his eyes were also fixed on it. 

His fingers brushed across the curls at Charlie's shoulders, and Dan had to struggle to pull his hand away. Just as soft as they looked. That was when he noticed another scar, thin and raised and white, peeking out from underneath the hair.

Before he realized what he was doing Dan pushed the dark curls to the side to get a better look at his neck. He heard Morgan gasp. 

Charlie's entire neck and shoulders were peppered with scars. Some small and sunken like puncture wounds, some white, thin, and raised and some dark pink, fresher. Dan wanted to touch them, run his fingers over them, sooth the skin. But he restrained himself. 

Ronan looked at the bite marks on Charlie's neck and Dan could tell there was something he wasn't saying, but he didn't like to pressure his Alpha. 

"Could you smell it too, Dan? Before?" Ronan said finally, lips pursed. 

He didn't need to ask what Ronan meant. "Some of it. What was that?" 

Ronan brushed the hair away from Charlie's neck carefully. One fingertip traced the small, sunken scars. 

"I think he might be... an Omega werewolf."

Justin's head snapped up; the others looked puzzled.

"An omega? What does that mean?" Morgan asked. Dan himself was nonplussed.

"I have never met one, but I have heard of them. There are alpha, beta, and omega type werewolves. That's different from titles that show your rank in the pack, like Alpha or Beta. Most wolves are betas, some are alphas, and as far as omegas go - " Ronan said.

"My birth pack had one, but I always avoided him," Justin whispered. "We were a huge pack, and there was only one omega. They are really rare... I can't believe there would be a rogue omega..."

"From what I have heard they can strengthen a pack. And they pair up with an alpha werewolf, giving them something."


"The wolf who told me about it refused to go into much more detail. But from what I've seen it seems true that packs with an Omega -" he stressed the word, turning it into a title, "Fare better. Have greater unity and numbers." He left unsaid that both those things were something they needed badly. 

Badass Omega [MxM] - A Reimagining of CarmenWhere stories live. Discover now