Chapter 14 - Wanna Bet?

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"Hiyah, Ronan. How's your week?" 

How come you convinced me to run with your pack even though you knew I might lose control over my body and end up in a werewolf gangbang?

Kit smiled his best malevolent smile and put their drinks down in front of them with a loud clatter. The whole pack was crammed into a booth at Marvin's, loud and rancorous families and groups of college students all around them. 

Ronan smiled back, closed-lipped, cautious. He looked very handsome in a dark leather jacket and his cropped black hair, oozing that effortlessly commanding air. 

He was totally Kit's type - yet the omega's eyes kept straying over to the broad-shouldered man in an ugly checkered flannel shirt sitting next to the Alpha. 

Stupid Dan. 

"Hi Charlie," Morgan said. He sat cuddled against Justin's chest and they were both decidedly avoiding Kit's gaze. 

So I guess they didn't forget about yesterday, then. 

"Did you find out about your break?"

"Not yet - Let me go check with Marvin."

"That Ronan over there?" Marvin asked. His grizzled face looked more approving than Kit had ever yet seen it.

"Yeah, why? They asked if I could come sit with them, by the way. Said it was unlikely, but I'd ask."

"Well if it's Ronan asking, you can have an hour - including your break. He's a good man - marrying my daughter come May."

"What, Maddy?" Kit had worked with Marvin's oldest daughter, who ran the diner next door together with his wife.

"No, my youngest, Maeve."

"He marrying...Dan's cousin? Morgan's aunt?"

"Yeah, that's right. Seems 'bout half the people in this little town are related somehow. You know, Maddy's got those two little boys. Good kids, my grandkids. You heard that story yet, Charlie?" 

Kit shook his head, no. 

"Only a matter of time 'fore you do, in a place like this. Those boys got no father. Bastard ran out on her. Well for a while there I was worried Maeve was heading the same way, dating good-for-nothings.

"But Ronan's a solid, responsible sort. So you can take an hour with them, if he's the one asking. But in return you'll have to stay behind here and clean up alone after closing, how's that?"

"Sounds good, Marvin."

Kit wasn't sure what to expect from the pack after what had happened a week ago at the full moon. But he wasn't about to let them take the lead - he wanted answers. 

"So, what the fuck was that about, then?" he opened the conversation with. Morgan winced. 

"What happened at the full moon?" he pressed on. "I'm an Omega? And you want one, I take it?"

"That's about right," Ronan conceded.


"I've never actually met an omega wolf before, but from what I've heard they bind packs together. An alpha paired with an omega - whether they are mated or not - gains strength, and his pack does too. Omegas are so rare that they become valuable."

"Like a vampire with a werewolf is stronger?"


"Nothing. Look, I get it, you want a rare pet to show how strong you are. But I'm not interested."

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