Preview - Robin Red (BxB)

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Red Rivelle may be an omega in an alpha's world - but he has no intention of playing by their rules.

At 20, he's busy running an underground shelter with his mother by day and defending vulnerable omegas in the streets by night.

Until, one evening, he runs into his alpha stepbrother - Robin - for the first time in four years.

Suddenly he's facing an arranged marriage, abducted mother, filthy-rich father, and a dangerous attraction to the brother he no longer knows.

If he's going to outwit his father, find his mother, and escape with his freedom, Red is going to need Robin's help. But what does his stepbrother remember about their past?

And what does he want from Red? 

Full of badass omegas and sexy alphas, Robin Red is a fast-paced, action-packed gay romance set in a modern omegaverse world.


A meaty fist connected with his gut and Red barely had time to tense his abs and bring his forearm up to block the next hit.

He twisted away, putting the wall at his back so that they couldn't attack him from behind, and raised his guard.

The three alphas left standing were all bleeding, breathing heavily. They did not look amused.

"You little cunt," one of them hissed.

He was the tallest, and Red recognized him as the one whose designer glasses he had crushed earlier. Now he was crimson in the face, bleeding from several cuts, stiff gelled hair poking out in every direction.

Red himself was panting, and focused on catching his breath instead of replying.

Another one suddenly moved to hit him - the omega angled his body but let the punch land on his side, sliding forward through the opening in the man's guard.

He drove the butt of his hand up into his face, breaking his nose with a "crack!" and punched his solar plexus with his other fist.

The suit toppled and another dove at him - Red ducked under his arm and jammed his elbow in underneath his ribs, before catching him with an uppercut under his chin.

The guy collapsed, knocked out.

Red cocked his eyebrow at the last one. His muscles were trembling now, the exertion catching up with him.

"Give up?" he asked.

"Fuck you!"

"You tried to - how's that working out for you?"

He wouldn't usually taunt his opponent - it wasn't prudent - but something about this guy really rubbed him the wrong way.

The alpha growled, glowering at the shorter man. Then he backed up. Red could see the end of the alleyway past him, his way out.

Three alphas and two betas - panting, slumped to the ground or limping, injured.

And Red, a single omega, knuckles bloody, arms shaking - still standing.

Maybe I could actually make it out of this.

That was when another figure in a dark suit appeared at the mouth of the alley, and an achingly familiar scent hit Red's nostrils like physical blow.

Only one whiff and he gasped, flinching back as a flush spread over his body, nerves lighting up. A warm tingling raced through his limbs and he could smell his own sweet pheromones, vaguely, spreading through the narrow space as he focused on keeping his legs steady.

His heat. It wasn't due for weeks - and he was in an alley with three - now four - alphas, their heads turning his way, eyes glazing over, already heavy breathing growing ragged.

Oh no.

"He's mine," a low, dangerous voice growled.

The suits scattered before him, helpless to resist his command as he stepped towards the sweat- and blood-streaked omega. This new alpha seemed younger than the rest, broad-shouldered but lean, and no taller than the other men.

Yet in that moment, there was no doubt who was the most powerful.

It had been over four years since Red had felt this way, since he had last seen that shadowed face bent over his in the dark, tasted that musky scent in his mouth.

"Robin," he croaked, knees buckling.

Strong arms caught him as he fell, stiff fabric crinkling, enveloping him in the heady scent he remembered. Red moaned thickly, looking up at once-familiar dark hair and grey eyes.

It had been four years. But when he met that gaze, his whole body shuddered.

Only one person had ever made him react so strongly, made his heat hit him this hard, made him lose control of all his senses and forget all his sense.

His adopted brother, Robin Rivelle.

This will be a shorter story, of about 20 chapters, and the first one is already up! Read the warnings, and enjoy :)

//Fletchley Rose

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