Chapter 15 - Mess with Me

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Darren pushed open the door with its 'closed' sign and swaggered into the bar. 

"I never got to buy you that drink." 

His walk was cocky, his tone relaxed, but Kit noticed a tension in his shoulders and his eyes weren't smiling. He was out for a fight.

Anger flared in Kit. Couldn't he just leave me alone? I thought we settled this. 

"No need," he said without looking at him, and continued wiping down the bar. 

"Oh, I insist. I lost, after all. You won. Pour us one - I'll pay."

Kit narrowed his eyes and moved behind the bar. His bag was right there - and it had sedatives in it. Should he slip one into Darren's drink?

No, he decided, that was too much. Instead he took out a small syringe with a cap and a strong sedative for animals, and put it in his apron pocket. Just in case. 

He poured two whiskeys with coke and put them on the bartop. 

Darren gripped his drink and his eyes shone. He was a werewolf - stronger than Kit and two heads taller. 

You've got about two seconds before they use their weight and range against you - assuming you catch them by surprise.

Darren lifted his glass and Kit did the same, locking eyes. Then he grinned and lunged for the omega. 

Kit threw his whiskey into Darren's eyes and swung his elbow into his cheekbone, knocking him sideways. He threw the glass at his face, making him throw up his hands, and then jumped the bar, kicking his feet out. 

The larger werewolf hit the floor in a clatter of chairs and limbs. Kit fell on a chair, hitting his shin, and rolled onto Darren, aiming a knee at his groin. Darren howled. 

He grabbed onto Kit and rolled them, heedless of the chairs, slamming him into the tiles while Kit struggled to keep his chin tucked in so his head wouldn't crack against the floor as Darren shook him. 

His two seconds were up and he was pinned, overpowered, apron twisted so that he couldn't reach the syringe. Fuck. 

Darren had always seemed to have less control over his wolf nature than the other pack members. Now his irises were bleeding into his whites, pupils growing as he growled, shaking Kit like a rabbit.

Canines protruded from his lip and his scent washed over Kit - whose body reacted instantly. 

He should be scared - but that had never helped him before. He should be angry - and he was. But he had also been trapped like this under Devlin countless times and his body knew what came next, his veins thrumming with arousal as anticipation coursed through him.

Darren flinched. Aha.

 Kit let go - instead of struggling he pressed closer, breathing into Darren's face, letting his own sweet scent wash over him. It came easier this time - unleashing his pheromones. 

Darren whined, his grip on Kit loosening. 

The smaller wolf pressed up, aligning their bodies as he reached between them - into his apron pocket. 

He grabbed Darren's hair and yanked his head back. Darren groaned, hands wrapping around Kit's middle. 

With his teeth Kit pulled the cap off the syringe and plunged it deep into Darren's shoulder.  

By the time Darren came to he was strapped to a chair with cable ties around his arms and ankles, the tight plastic digging into his skin and rendering him completely immobile.

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