Chapter 6 - Feel the Burn

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Morgan frowned, chewing his bottom lip as he examined Charlie's back. 

It really did look awful - Dan was no doctor, but he didn't like to see the black tinge at the edge of those cuts. 

It made him hurt just to look at them, but Charlie didn't seem bothered. In fact, he seemed considerably more lively since his shower.

His nephew had laid out plenty of gauze, instruments, kidney dishes, disinfectant, and other things Dan failed to recognize on the kitchen table. He sat on one chair and Charlie straddled another, his back towards Morgan, his chest against the backrest, arms slung over it. 

This kitchen was from the seventies like most of the house, brown and green and lit with yellow lighting. Morgan had directed a spotlight - well, a bright reading light - at Charlie's back. 

The rest of them - Dan, Ronan, Darren, and Justin - had collected on the L-shaped old leather couch and beat-up armchairs, supposedly watching a game. However, it was proving difficult to ignore the scene at the kitchen table. 

Justin had given up and was openly watching his mate, while Darren flinched at every other sound. Only Ronan seemed completely at ease. 

"So what happened?" Morgan asked softly.

"I got clawed by a mountain lion."


"Yeah. I was sleeping in my wolf shape, and I guess it saw an easy meal. The next thing I knew it was on top of me. I didn't even think, just shifted. Guess that scared it off.

"It was close to the dark of the moon so it was really easy to change into human form, but my healing was shitty. I tried to clean it, 'course, but couldn't reach properly, and every time I shifted it opened up again... Soon enough the fever set in, and I knew it was serious."

"It does look pretty serious. I can see some subcutaneous tissue here and there, but at least none of your bones are bared. There seems to be some necrotic tissue as well... Let's start by cleaning it properly, and then we can decide how to proceed... I'll apply a local anaesthetic now." 

"Don't bother. Just... Get on with it."

Morgan raised his eyebrows and Charlie picked up his hoodie from the floor by his feet and tucked it in between his chest and the chair. 

He stuffed one black sleeve into his mouth, then turned around and gave Morgan a thumbs up. 

Poor Morgan, Dan thought. He already looked pale, but determined. His hands were steady as he set to work, furrowing his brow. 

He poured disinfectant onto the wounds, making Charlie press his forehead into the wooden back of the chair he was straddling. He hugged it tight but otherwise stayed still. 

Morgan used tweezers to lift the scabs carefully and wiped up the pale yellow pus leaking out. Finally he squeezed and wiped the long claw marks with gauze, dabbing them with more disinfectant and then saline, rinsing and cleaning them. 

Charlie bit hard onto the fabric in his mouth, quivering but silent. Dan was impressed; it looked damn painful. 

When the wounds were free of scabs and pus and bleeding gently, Charlie spit out his gag and relaxed against the chair. 

He panted slightly, sweat glistening on his face. 

"Well done," Morgan said, his voice shaking slightly. "Um, Charlie...the tissue at the edges of your sutures is necrotic...I mean those flaps at the edges of your wounds are still black - that flesh is dead -" 

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